Vivian Nelson Melle, Author at Green Living Ideas

About Vivian Nelson Melle

Vivian Nelson Melle Vivian Nelson Melle is a writer and life coach helping individuals, families, and businesses thrive. She supports small businesses especially in the areas of Green Living, Health, and Wellness. She can be found at www.viviannelsonmelle.com and www.craftyvivi.com

Author Archives: Vivian Nelson Melle

iMiEV: Expressing Your Eco-Self with Mitsubishi’s Electric Car

November 16th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

I know, I know, people talk about electric hybrids quite often. The iMiEV, however, has no gas tank. That's right, this baby runs solely on electricity. It's an eco step up from a hybrid. I was given the chance to cruise around town in the MiEV for a few days here in Phoenix. I was able to see all the benefits and some of the complications of driving a fully electric automobile. Keep reading to see how far electric cars have come with my review of the i-Mi

Review: Natural Latex Mattress by Plush Beds Offers Eco-Friendly Comfort

October 31st, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Looking for comfort in the bedroom while embracing eco-living? Plush Beds can make your dream a reality. Voted #1 Best Latex Mattress, their latex mattresses contain a generous layer of 100% natural Talalay latex and natural Dunlop latex depending on your chosen thickness. Plush Beds generously offered their 8-inch Botanical Bliss Natural Latex Mattress for me to review and keep. The following information and review is based on my experience and I was not paid for this review. The experience has been nothing short of bliss and I've taken to promoting the bed among friends and family considering latex mattress purchases. Here's why you might want to consider the 8-Inch Botanical Bliss Natural Latex Mattress as your next bedroom purchase

The Worst Drought in 50 Years and How to Ease the Stress from It

July 20th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

While the midwest has not become the dust bowl of Steinbeck fame, it is parched, chocking and sorely yearning for rain. The worst drought in 50 years has behind a stream of high grin prices affecting farmers, mostly livestock growers. So, the worst drought in 50 years may not affect you if you eat a raw foods diet. Here's why now might be the time to give up processed foods and ease the stress caused by the drought

Neti Pot Safety for Ritual Nasal Cleansings

June 26th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Neti pots are a popular and successful treatment for sinus pain. A few stories circulated regarding Naegleria fowleri, a brain-eating amoeba which was reportedly transmitted in two cases through the use of Neti pots. The amoeba was traced to the New Orleans water supply and the two cases were individuals who had used the neti pot. While many are now scared away from this natural treatment option, they shouldn't be. By following the instructions for your neti pot use you can still enjoy the benefits without risking your health and safety. Here is how to safely use your neti pot to avoid or alleviate sinus pain or perform religious nasal cleaning rituals

How to Remove Skunk Spray the Green Way

June 12th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Summer's around the corner bringing us into the great outdoors for camp outs and hikes. Each step we take into the woods increases our chances of running into one of Mother Nature's creatures. It's always a good idea to make as much noise as possible when hiking to warn creatures of your approach. Skunks are one of those critters to avoid. With the power to tax your olfactory system, a skunk's spray can bring a walk in the wild to a screaming halt. When your walk in the wild turns into a stroll through smellyville, here is how to remove skunk spray the green way

Shiply: Providing Europe Cheaper, More Eco-Efficient Delivery

June 11th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Shiply has provided Europe with a greener shipping option since 2008. According to their site Shiply, "Matches you with rated delivery firms going there anyway." They offer a simple system for getting your product from point A to point B through delivery options which were planning the travel with or without your item. There's no additional carbon footprint, instead it reduces the footprint by decreasing the need for separate delivery travel. Shiply provides a great model for cheaper and more eco-efficient delivery

Weight Loss: Ayurveda and Yogasana for Health and Vitality

June 7th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

In the new year we discussed practicing mindfulness and green manifestos for living healthy and green lives. Half a year has gone by and many have given up resolutions and fallen back into old habits. Instead of giving up entirely, it's helpful to continue learning new ways to incorporate lifestyle changes that mesh well into your life. Even when weight loss is the primary focus, balancing the whole body helps increase success with healthy eating, exercise and overall well being. Ayurveda and Yogasana are two methods for balancing the whole body including weight maintenance

Prevent Clogged Drains Naturally

May 24th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

A clogged drain lands at the top of most house-related annoyances. While slow drains signal impending clogs, many ignore them or the hint of foulness sometimes wafting up. By the time the drain is clogged there is a substantial amount of soap scum, hair, body tissue, grease and other organic materials sealing the drain off from the sewer. Don't let it get that bad. Here are four simple ways to prevent clogged drains naturally

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