Advertise with Green Living Ideas

Green Living Ideas is the world’s source for green living news, sustainable lifestyle tips, and energy efficient home maintenance. We get about 70,000 page views (40,000 uniques) per month. Below are some options, including a self-checkout for native content. Please reach out to our sales team with any questions. We’d love to share your Green Living Ideas!

Native Content

“Permanent” advertising, with google-ability and long term traffic: this sponsored post has received over 10,000 visits, for instance.

Build your online web presence with published articles on Green Living Ideas, a highly ranked and esteemed website. Native advertising (sponsored content) has a lot of advantages: it has long-term value, while sidebar ads will only run as long as you’re paying for them. Sponsored posts are also searchable and infinitely shareable. Improve your performance in search by buying a sponsored article that can bring our readers to your brand.

Native content is also flexible based on your needs: we can publish crowdfunding promotion, new product highlights, promotions, and more. We accept your drafts and/or we offer writing services from our writing team. Each sponsored article is shared once on both Facebook and Twitter, as well as in our weekly newsletter. Please note: We are very selective regarding products and messages, and maintain 100% journalistic integrity. We’ve turned down plenty of sponsored posts that didn’t meet our criteria for quality and authenticity, and reserve the right to not publish any material (we will refund the money, if we elect not to publish). We do not sell links that pass page rank (we do not sell do follow links). Additionally, all native content (sponsored posts) will be marked as such.

Here are some additional examples of our sponsored content opportunities:

Purchase a sponsored post below for just $200 (two for $350!). If we do not publish, we will refund, 100%, guaranteed.


Branded Series

If your company is looking to be associated with a specific topic across many articles, a branded series is another way to reach our readers across a series of articles. We partner with good brands looking to share great news and offerings. The series is also featured in our daily newsletter as a sidebar for additional exposure.

Display Ads

Advertise your company or product on our site’s sidebars or header. We offer standard ad size inventory across your specific geotargets to our desktop, mobile, and tablet users.

Social Media and Newsletter Outreach

Want to do a dedicated e-blast to the GLI newsletter audience? We have about 1,000 subscribers to our weekly newsletter, and a 20% open rate, meaning your e-blast will likely reach 200 people interested in green living.

We focus our social media efforts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and our newsletter. Current social reach includes almost 10,500 Twitter followers, 3,000 Facebook followers, and 700 Pinterest followers. Social media promotion is often utilized in conjunction with other outreach opportunities, but is available as a single offering.

Ready to advertise on GLI?

Simply fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch. Thank you for your interest in GreenLivingIdeas!

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