Lemon salt face scrub - DIY natural recipe - Green Living Ideas

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Published on September 7th, 2021 | by Scott Cooney


Lemon salt face scrub – DIY natural recipe

This one is a little astringent if you have dry or sensitive skin, so use sparingly, or apply a test patch.

1 lemon 

5 tbsp. sea salt 

1 tbsp. olive oil 


  1. In a small bowl, coat salt with olive oil (this prevents salt from dissolving). 
  2. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze, mixing juice with salt and oil. 
  3. Store in a glass container with plastic lid. For best results avoid metal lids. 

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About the Author

Scott Cooney is a serial eco-entrepreneur including being the solo founder of Pono Home, HomeEfficiency.com, and CleanTechnica; author of two books; former sustainability consultant with clients including Johnson & Johnson, Eastman Chemical, Wal-Mart, and Duke Energy; former Adjunct teaching the first course in sustainable business in the MBA program at UH Manoa; lover of local, healthy food and especially vegan nachos. Find Scott on Twitter

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