How to Find a Green Job
“Green jobs” are the new catchphrase when it comes to employment. Getting a job has always been painful and getting a green job does not necessarily make things any easier. But the good news is that there are plenty of them to be found. And given that the Obama administration is all about stimulating the green collar economy, chances are that even more green jobs are likely to show up as time goes by.
Getting a green job is not so different from finding any other kind of job. You have to scour the job boards, get your resume out, network like there’s no tomorrow
and convince decision-makers that you are the one that they should hire. Persistence is everything…and remember this: you are most likely to find employment in an area that utilizes your previous skills. So, don’t be too tempted to chuck up all your past experience for something completely new and different.
The Green Job List is an e-mail list for people seeking jobs that focus on environmental or social responsibility. It is free for job seekers and powered by Yahoo! Groups. You can subscribe or unsubscribe at any time. Sign up for it at (link to: Or, you can check out the tried and tested green job boards at Yahoo and Treehugger.
The Green Collar Blog is a great resource for identifying the latest job postings in green energy, LEED, solar, wind power, green non-profit, and much more. Aside from interesting features like Green Job of the Day, this blog features lists job fairs and provides an exhaustive list of green job boards.
So with a little bit of perseverance, you are bound to land the green job of your dreams. Good luck!