Browsing the "Recipes" Category

Gluten Free Skincare Recipes

November 23rd, 2012 | by Guest Contributor

When you think about wheat, barley, rye and oats what comes to mind? Bread, beer, whiskey and all that tasty stuff, right? Sadly, for many North Americans suffering from Celiac Disease, they have had to cut out all that goodness and replace it with Gluten-Free options. As a lover of gluten-heavy products myself, I can only imagine how difficult this would be. Turns out leading a G-Free life is more than just eliminating foods from your diet. It means reading the fine print, knowing the variations and changing your skincare and beauty products too

Green Diva Vegan Recipes – Cashews, Creamy Cheesy Yum

May 14th, 2012 | by The Green Divas

As some of you may know, I'm back to my vegan roots and have been kicking the cheese habit - again (15 days, but who's counting?). Whether you are a vegan, vegan wannabe, vegetarian or are an omnivore and love delicious food, you might appreciate the power of the mighty cashew and it's amazing versatility

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