Browsing the "Garden and Yard Care" Category

How to Remove Skunk Spray the Green Way

June 12th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Summer's around the corner bringing us into the great outdoors for camp outs and hikes. Each step we take into the woods increases our chances of running into one of Mother Nature's creatures. It's always a good idea to make as much noise as possible when hiking to warn creatures of your approach. Skunks are one of those critters to avoid. With the power to tax your olfactory system, a skunk's spray can bring a walk in the wild to a screaming halt. When your walk in the wild turns into a stroll through smellyville, here is how to remove skunk spray the green way

Electric Cars: Real v. Compliance {video}

May 21st, 2012 | by The Green Divas

You're probably aware that there are a lot of new electric cars coming out. Thanks to California zero-emissions regulations, which have been adopted by several states in the northeast as well as the northwest, many car manufacturers have incentive to create new zero-emission electric cars. Good right? Well . . .

Grass Clippings: How to Compost and Recycle Lawn Waste

May 9th, 2012 | by Lynn Fang

Most of us still have lawns all around us, which, while beautiful, are truly energy intensive in Maintaining. The're use of water, gas-powered mowing and weed killing are harsh on local eco-systems . You could consider a lawn alternative, such as a native plant garden, or something that fits with your micro-climate. Some people even grow food and veggie beds in their front lawns. If your heart's set on keeping your lawn, consider cutting down on your energy use with a push-reel lawn mower and let your grass clippings stay on your lawn. Here's how to compost and recycle your grass clippings

Keep Mosquitoes at Bay Naturally

April 2nd, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

West Nile Virus is here to stay and now there are cases of Dengue Fever popping up in the south. Both diseases are carried by the mosquito so, besides causing annoying and itchy bites, mosquitoes carry disease and even cause major allergic reactions in some individuals. While there are several chemical repellents on the market you can actually enjoy mosquito-free eco-living . Here are a few ways to keep mosquitoes at bay naturally

World Water Day 2012: Water and Food Security

March 22nd, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

World Water Day is March 22nd and the United Nations would like you to help their campaign by helping motivate others to conserve and respect this delicate resource. The annual event organized through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations works to promote ideas that will hopefully decrease water waste and increase more productive methods for using our valuable water supply. To celebrate World Water Day this year, here are some simple ways we can work to embrace water conservation at home

Move Bee-yond Pesticides

March 20th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Beyond Pesticides is an organization that not only highlights the dangers of chemical pesticides but offers non-toxic solutions. Formally known as the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides, Beyond Pesticides has been around since 1981 educating the public on how pesticides impact our lives and the environment. On March 30-31 they will be holding the 30th National Pesticide Forum entitled Healthy Communities: Green solutions for safe environments at Yale University. Not to worry if you can't get out to New Haven that weekend, here are a few things you can do to decrease your pesticide use

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