Sustainable Toilet Paper Option: Caboo for Your Caboose - Green Living Ideas

Green Lifestyle

Published on January 2nd, 2017 | by Scott Cooney


Sustainable Toilet Paper Option: Caboo for Your Caboose


Perhaps you haven’t given a great deal of thought to where those white squares spinning off the roll several times a day come from. Recently, Important Media traveled to Portland, Oregon, for the Green Festival and encountered a great company, Caboo, that certainly has. Caboo has created a whole line of home paper products using renewable resources and human-friendly ingredients. The Green Festival is perhaps the largest and longest running sustainability trade show, so we knew we’d like whoever we found there, but Caboo’s products stood out as a particularly awesome brand for those interested in healthier, more sustainable living.

Tree-free TP

The Worldwatch Institute says 270,000 trees PER DAY are being flushed down the loo as toilet paper. Rather than using trees for their toilet paper, tissues, paper towel, etc., Caboo utilizes bamboo (a fast-growing grass that regenerates quickly after harvest) and bagasse (a byproduct of sugarcane during sugar production). Both of these resources are better than trees in preserving rainforests and wildlife, and in saving water.

Better than recycled paper?!

While some brands offer recycled paper products – certainly a step in the right direction for reducing tree consumption – bamboo and bagasse still require less water and energy to be turned into paper products than even recycled paper. To top that off, the bamboo species Caboo uses is NOT a food source for pandas, and bagasse is actually considered a waste product in sugar production, which would normally be dumped or burned – making TP and tissues from trash!


Caboo’s eco-offerings

This conscious company has a simple and Caboo-tiful line of tree-free, chlorine-free, and BPA-free paper products for your home, office, and travels – paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, tissues (in boxes and pocket packs!), and our personal favorite – travel hand wipes. Caboo even makes something for the wee ones – baby wipes! We prefer not to put chemicals that conventional hand wipes and baby wipes contain onto our skin, let alone our baby’s skin, so Caboo’s safer (both for you and and the planet!) wipes are a great alternative choice. Give Caboo a try and start saving trees and water, and keep unwanted chemicals out of your life. Make a difference with every flush!

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About the Author

Scott Cooney is a serial eco-entrepreneur including being the solo founder of Pono Home, HomeEfficiency.com, and CleanTechnica; author of two books; former sustainability consultant with clients including Johnson & Johnson, Eastman Chemical, Wal-Mart, and Duke Energy; former Adjunct teaching the first course in sustainable business in the MBA program at UH Manoa; lover of local, healthy food and especially vegan nachos. Find Scott on Twitter

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