How To Set The Pump Times For Your Pool And Hot Tub
Adjusting the pump times for your pool and hot tub is one of the easiest ways to make them both cost effective and energy efficient. According to your pool pump only needs to run for six hours a day, and in some cases it can run as little as three. When it comes to your hot tub, three hours should be plenty. In both cases, it is also recommended that you set your pumps to run during non-peak hours. Non-peak hours are less expensive, and as such, are a great time to run your pumps. Just follow these easy steps to adjust your pump times and start saving today.
Things you’ll need for the job:
- Screwdriver (potentially)
Instructions: how to set the pump time for your pool and hot tub
1. Locate and open the panel with your pool or hot tub pump timer. This should be located close to the pool pump itself and the hot tub. If you cant find it, consult with your pool or hot tub installer to determine where it is.
2. Set the on and off switches to the desired times. Your pump timer should look something like this:
The “on” and “off” timer switches will each be held in place with a small screw which shouldn’t be more than finger tight. Gently remove the screw until the switch can move freely around the face of the time dial. Now, slide the “on” and “off” switches to the desired times you want, and gently re-tighten the screws for each timer switch. Remember, pools should only run for six hours a day, and hot tubs should run for three.
It’s important to note that these time intervals (6hrs for pools and 3hrs for hot tubs) don’t need to be consecutive. They can be broken into smaller segments (two 3hr periods, three 1hr periods etc.) The important thing is that they run for a total of 6 and 3hrs respectively.
3. Disengage the time dial and set it to the current time. To disengage the time dial simply pull the entire face toward you. You should both hear and feel the timer disengage. Now, turn the dial to the current time and gently push it back into place. It’s important to note that during power outages, or after daylight savings, your pumps time dial won’t be displaying the proper time. Check and adjust it once every three months or so just to be sure it’s working properly.
Now all you have to do is close the lid and you’ll start saving money!
If you’re looking for more ways to save around your pool or hot tub, be sure that your pool and hot tub covers are in good condition and that you’re hot tub is set to 102 degrees.
Be sure to check out our other green home improvement projects: Green Living Ideas, after all, is a top 20 home improvement website!
Photo courtesy of Trip Advisor and Sandestin Home.