
Published on August 29th, 2014 | by Peter Young


How To Set The Temperature On Your Hot Tub

Hot tub

Setting the temperature on your hot tub to the proper level can help you save money on your monthly electric bill. Thanks to modern technology, this shouldn’t take you more than five minutes to do and will require no real expertise or special training. All you need to do is push a button or two. Just follow these easy steps.

Things you’ll need for the job:

  • A Working Hot Tub

Instructions: how to lower your hot tub’s water temperature

1. Determine the location of your hot tub’s temperature control panel. Not all hot tubs will be built the same, so be sure to locate your hot tub’s temperature control panel before continuing. In most cases the panel will be mounted on the edge of the hot tub so users can adjust the temp while soaking. Otherwise, the control panel might be mounted on a wall nearby.

2. Determine the current temperature of your hot tub. The control panel should have a digital display and look something like this:

temp. control panel

Depending on your current setting, you may or may not have to adjust the temperature up or down.

3. Adjust the temperature using the control panel. All of the buttons on your control panel should be clearly labeled. Simply find the buttons that control the water’s temperature and turn it to 102 degrees. If at any point you had to remove the hot tubs cover, be sure to put it back on so that the hot tub won’t loose any more heat than is necessary.

Unfortunately, not all hot tub control panels are the same. Check out this video to get an idea of how the process may work for other styles:

That’s all there is to it. It’s also a good idea to do a thorough inspection of your hot tub’s cover while you’re adjusting the temperature. After all, if your hot tubs cover is damaged it may not be insulating the hot tub properly, which would result in a higher monthly electric bill.

It’s also a good idea to turn your hot tub’s temperature all the way down or off if you’re going to be out of town for more than a few days. After all, if no one is going to be around to use it, it doesn’t need to stay at 102.

Be sure to check out some of our other green home improvement projects: Green Living Ideas, after all, is a top 20 home improvement website!

Photo courtesy of Build A Tub and Spa Man.

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About the Author

graduated from Pacific Lutheran University (PLU) with a degree in journalism and has made sustainability and eco-conscious living mainstays of both his professional and personal life. It was during his time at PLU that he began his journey with sustainability and it's what has led him to writing for Green Living Ideas. He currently resides in Honolulu and works for Pono Home, an energy efficiency company focused on reducing carbon emissions and promoting a healthier, greener lifestyle.

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