Eco Friendly Home Maintenance

Published on April 12th, 2014 | by Scott Cooney


Top 20 Home Improvement Sites: GreenLivingIdeas Makes The List!

Pono Home installing high efficiency shower headHome improvement comes in many forms. Here at GreenLivingIdeas, we aim to deliver good quality ideas for greening (which we definitely believe means improving!) your home. Greening your home has a plethora of benefits. First, you pay less in utilities. By cutting your carbon footprint, it feels good, but it also means you are a primary beneficiary financially, too. Second, your home is healthier. Cleaner indoor air quality, fewer toxins, less offgassing, etc. Third, you’re improving your life. By building a compost bin and planting an organic garden, for instance, you also benefit by having a place of meditative enjoyment, a place that nourishes you and your family, and a hobby that is both fruitful and healthy. And of course, you’re improving your home and increasing its resale value.

We do this because we love to promote green home ideas, and of course because the more you share our awesome content, the more money we make (so thanks for liking and sharing this article….ahem!). We don’t do it for glory, but every now and again, it sure is nice to be recognized. So we were thrilled when Totally Home Improvement recently recognized GreenLivingIdeas as a top 20 home improvement site!

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With that in mind, we’d like to share some of the best green home improvement ideas we’ve written about in the past.


Winterizing to save energy

Tankless hot water heaters

Home energy efficiency tips

Home Automation as an energy saver

What a deep energy retrofit can do for you

Home insulation: what you need to know

Four home energy inefficiencies for under $100

Vampire Power Waste Reduction

Efficient lighting concepts

Green and Efficient Home Heating

Kitchen Appliances that are energy efficient



Dual flush toilet converters: TapNFlush product review

3 Great DIY water conservation strategies

Green Washing Machines

Home water conservation

Indoor Air Quality

Ways to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ)

10 Houseplants that improve indoor air quality

Healthier, greener products

Clean burning, recycled firewood logs

Bamboo flooring

Household cleansers and natural cleaning products

Homemade natural drain cleaner

Landscaping & Garden

Principles of Eco-friendly landscaping

Indoor Herb growing

Save space with vertical gardening

Container gardening: the 16 best plants for growing in tight spaces

Grow tropical fruits at home

Eco-turf rather than grass

Gardening in small spaces: how to succeed!

Non-toxic pest control


Photo courtesy of Pono Home


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About the Author

Scott Cooney is a serial eco-entrepreneur including being the solo founder of Pono Home,, and CleanTechnica; author of two books; former sustainability consultant with clients including Johnson & Johnson, Eastman Chemical, Wal-Mart, and Duke Energy; former Adjunct teaching the first course in sustainable business in the MBA program at UH Manoa; lover of local, healthy food and especially vegan nachos. Find Scott on Twitter

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