Recycle Your Printer Cartridges!
Did you know that throwing your empty printer cartridges in the bin is not an environmentally friendly practice? Printer ink cartridges are made of complex components and as such, are not able to be recycled or disposed of safely, unlike other traditional waste materials.
The infographic below illustrates the hazards that printer cartridges potentially pose to the environment if disposed of improperly. Thankfully, organisations including Planet Ark have spearheaded recycling programs such as ‘Cartridges for Planet Ark’, which works with corporate organisations and ink cartridge manufacturers on sustainable ways to recycle used cartridges.
Many organizations concerned about cutting their waste are working with Cartridges Direct – an online printer retailer who is passionate about spreading the word on the importance of recycle printer cartridges after use. Click here to read more about the benefits of recycling your printer cartridges, and what happens during the process of recycling.
Image from this post’s sponsor, Cartridges Direct.