Pono Home: Creating Greener, Healthier Homes
Pono Home is changing the face of green living in Honolulu.
Pono is a Hawaiian word that translates to uprightness, balance, righteousness, or correctness. This sense of balance or uprightness inspires the ethos of Pono Home, which works to encourage people to learn more about sustainability and climate change by making connections between the costs associated with excessive energy usage, wasteful water usage and toxic home products.
With just one in-home consult, Pono Home offers homeowners AND renters the opportunity to see decreased electricity bills, decreased water usage, healthier indoor air quality and decreased toxins in your home. Using a thorough checklist that audits energy usage, water usage, appliance usage, cookware and serveware, and even transportation, Pono Home allows everyone help the planet without being preachy. The website offers reading for further learning about health concerns and more energy saving tips. Pono Home has also partnered with local businesses to offer discounts of great green living products: CSA boxes, solar panels, eco-friendly home cleaning and more!
Pono Home has never been more relevant. Recent studies show that Honolulu has some of the most expensive electricity in the country, most of which is supplied by imported fossil fuels. All islands have been in a drought for decades, necessitating an increase in water bills, and the plumbing and sewer infastructure is in disrepair, which has bumped up the cost of sewer usage as well. All this in addition to the highest cost of living in the whole country! And they are destined for success: Pono Home was just awarded a seed-stage grant from the Hawaii Energy Excelerator program, which funds clean technology and energy efficiency companies across the islands.
Serial eco-entrepreneur Scott Cooney has started and sold many green businesses. Cooney is also the author of How to Build a Green Small Business, currently teaches in the MBA program at the University of Hawaii Manoa, and is the publisher of the Important Media Network, the parent company of Green Living Ideas. Scott is a busy guy, but he is passionate about green living: he’s been a vegetarian for over 20 years, a bicycle commuter for just as long, and has been teaching and consulting about green business and green living for decades. Find Scott Find Scott on Google Plus, on Twitter; and find Pono Home on Facebook.
Learn more about the Energy Excelerator program here and to learn more about home energy efficiency consulting, find Pono Home’s website here. If you are on the island of Oahu, call Scott to schedule an appointment today.