The Green Diva Year: Earth Day to Earth Day
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You would think that being a Green Diva would mean that I celebrated Earth Day every day. I don’t know whether I celebrate daily, but I do try. The truth is when you’ve been living this lifestyle for as long as I have, this annual Earth Day frenzy can get a little silly. I don’t mean to be all bah humbug on the Earth Day thing. It is actually rather exciting to see more and more people getting involved in the festivities – especially the kids. They are really the important ones who will likely have the opportunity to take this crazy ball and run with it after we’ve finished doing our best.
Most years, I try to hide on Earth Day and have a quite time being a little more mindful of how I treat momma earth (see my post on some ways I celebrate Earth Day). But this year, I got to participate in a great local event, where we co-hosted the soggy festivities for a surprising number of hearty souls.
We used the occasion to present our first annual That’s SO Green Diva Award to our favorite innovative sustainable manufacturer making Green Diva products – G2 Organics. If you haven’t had the G2 Organics experience, check out their website and indulge in a couple of their products – it is totally worth it! These thoughtful ladies put their heart and soul into beauty and skin care products that are organic, non-toxic AND reiki charged! They’ve come up with some wonderful nail care products – cool colors and ODOR-FREE on top of being organic, non-toxic and reiki charged! Seriously, how cool is that?
To honor G2 Organics, we are donating a Seed Bomb vending machine to the Office of Sustainability for Morristown, NJ, who will benefit from all proceeds. Mayor Dougherty came out and met Cherie Corso, founder of G2 Organics and we ALL had a wonderful time using the slingshot to lob seed bombs of regionally appropriate wildflowers into the ugly empty lot next to the event venue.
It was a cold and rainy day (and I’m still trying to warm up!), but we had a rockin time. It was a different way to celebrate Earth Day for this Green Diva and I loved it.
Meanwhile, Green Diva Lisa took the time to pick her favorite podcasts from this past Green Diva Earth Year (marked from Earth Day to Earth Day).
The Green Divas Radio Show, podcasts, audio vignettes and blog posts feature fun and low-stress ways to live a deeper shade of green, while maintaining some comfort and style. Green Diva Meg, co-host Green Diva Lisa and Green Dude Paul offer tons of easily accessible information and resources to help make the journey to a more sustainable world easier and a little more fun and entertaining. The radio show broadcasts live every Saturday morning from WMTR 1250 AM in Northern, NJ/NY Metro area, streaming live on, or catch up on the podcast.