Browsing the "Earth Day" Tag

50 Easy Ways to Keep Earth Day Going All Year

April 23rd, 2013 | by The Green Divas

I listed 25 ways to celebrate earth day without buying anything, knowing there were thousands, and I was so impressed with some of the suggestions, I thought I would incorporate them into this updated post and give my Care2 peeps a little credit. Really, these are things we should find ways to incorporate into our every-day lives, so . .

The Green Diva Year: Earth Day to Earth Day

April 23rd, 2012 | by The Green Divas

You would think that being a Green Diva would mean that I celebrated Earth Day every day. I don’t know whether I celebrate daily, but I do try. The truth is when you’ve been living this lifestyle for as long as I have, this annual Earth Day frenzy can get a little silly.

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