5 Earth Friendly Place Setting Favors
The holiday season is about spending time with loved ones, enjoying each other’s company and indulging in delicious food. While sitting around the family table, decorations are a focal point and significant detail putting the perfect finishing touch on the dining experience. Place setting favors not only help guests find their seat, they create a welcoming, comforting moment not soon forgotten.
Offer guests one of these 5 Earth friendly place settings they can take home and enjoy all year long.
1. Name Tags Made with Seed Paper
These are available through many online artisans or can easily be made searching for a tutorial online. Instructables has a good one I’ve used before. Paper pulp is embedded with seeds when it’s just moist enough to hold, but not enough to cause the seed to sprout. You can then decorate with watercolors or markers and add names and messages. Guests can take them home and throw them in the garden, add to a pot on the window sill or throw in a baggie and allow children to watch the plants and root systems grow. The possibilities are endless.
{CC photo courtesy of Boby Dimitrov on Flickr}
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