5 Popular and Healthful Autumn Produce Choices
Eco-savvy shoppers often report seasonal buying as an easy way to save money while supporting local crops. Not only does seasonal buying make use of inexpensive produce that grows during the current time of year, these vegetables usually have nutrients and vitamins vital to the coming colder months. A wonderful indication of the connection of earth and human is the healing and preventative nature of eating seasonal vegetables.
Here are 5 popular autumn produce items to pick up at the market.
1. Berries
Full of antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber, berries are a great addition to any breakfast. Warm up chilly mornings with oatmeal topped with fresh berries or throw a handful into your favorite smoothie. If you’re a canner, berries make into some of the most delicious preserves and syrups you will be able to enjoy well into the winter and spring.
{CC photo courtesy of VancityAllie on Flickr}
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