Locavore Living Ideas: Host an Organic Local Foods Potluck
Spring time brings the reopening of farmers’ markets creating inspiration for organic local food meals. Whether you are a hard core locavore or a connoisseur of local food, hosting a local foods potluck is an easy way you can share great food with your friends and family while raising awareness. From local wine to salad greens, you can have a delicious meal from your local community!
The average American meal travels 1,500 miles from farm to plate, which has prompted activists to adopt the 100 Mile Diet. According to Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon, who conducted a 100 Mile Diet one-year experiment, there are 12 reasons to eat locally grown food:
- Taste the difference
- Know what you’re eating
- Meet your neighbors
- Get in touch with the seasons
- Discover new flavors
- Explore your home
- Save the world
- Support small farms
- Give back to the local economy
- Be healthy
- Create memories
- Have more fun while traveling
Although you may not be ready to adopt a complete locavore diet, hosting a locavore potluck is a great way to have fun with neighbors while experiencing the 12 reasons one should eat locally. Locavore potlucks are a common occurrence in Slow Food groups. To host a locavore potluck, simply ask your friends to bring a dish that is prepared with ingredients within a 100 mile radius of your community. As host, you can decide if dishes must be 100% local or if foreign spices are allowed. Participants can share their recipes, as well as sources for the local fare. Bon Appetit!