GTR: Sustainable Materials in Interior Design with Storm Interiors
GreenTalk Radio Host Sean Daily talks about eco-friendly interior decorating and
integrating sustainable materials into a home setting with Lara
Fishman, Principal and Founder of Storm Interiors.
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Sean Daily: Hi, and welcome to Green Talk, a podcast series from Green Talk helps listeners in their efforts to
lead more eco-friendly lifestyles through interviews with top vendors,
authors, and experts, from around the world. We discuss the critical
issues facing the global environment today, as well as the
technologies, products, and practices that you can employ to go greener
in every area of your life.
Sean Daily: Hey everybody. Thanks for listening into Green Talk
Radio. This is Sean Daily. We’re going to be talking about
Eco-Interior Design today, and we’re going to be talking with Lara
Fishman, who is the principal and founder of Storm Interiors, which is
Storm Interiors is a Santa Monika, California, based firm that
provides custom interior design services for commercial and residential
products. They specialize in eco-design and the use of sustainable
materials in building projects.
Lara, welcome to the program.
Lara Fishman: Thank you. I’m happy to be here.
Sean Daily: Well, we’re happy to have you. I am always
interested to here people’s stories in business, and I know this is
your firm and you founded it. Tell us how you got into eco-design and
a little bit about your background.
Laura Fishman: OK. I had probably two main professions in my past life that I shouldn’t probably go into.
Sean Daily: Oh no, by all means please do.
Laura Fishman: No, no. Just because I just didn’t know what I
wanted to do and I didn’t really find my driving passion immediately
out of college. But, I went to a program after I had been out of
school for a while, Ecology at UCLA, and they had a School of Interior
and Environmental Design. I didn’t really even know at that point that
there was such an actual profession, per se, in interior design versus
interior decorating.
I went to this program in order to get a solid foundation of design
and being able to read architectural drawings and for myself to be able
to draw, and so forth. To just learn more about materials in design,
in general. So, after I pursued my degree there, I worked for an
architect during school actually, and then after school I worked for a
well-known firm here in Los Angeles. And then my founding partner and
I left, we were working at the same company, and we left and decided to
do this on our own. That was in about 2000, so we’ve been around for
about eight years.
When I started doing eco-design I
really didn’t know that I was doing eco-design, initially. However
naïve that sounds, but one of my passions is refurbishing vintage
pieces. Taking things that you have and giving them a fresh coat,
whether it’s, you know, doing it, and now of course we’d want to use
low VOC lacquers, paints, etc. But, I was doing this sort of on my
own, and even outside of my career, for a long time.
My mother would reuse old pieces, and we inherited some nice pieces
from our family. So I realized more recently, ok, this is actually
important to do and the process is so sentimental for a lot of people.
And, many of our clients have items that they need to hold onto, they
want to hold onto, they’ve inherited but they don’t really know how to
incorporate it in their space. So, we’ve kind of created a niche for
ourselves in that. We pride ourselves in taking what you have and
giving it a new twist.
Like for example, we have a vintage changing table that we designed
for a client. She didn’t want to necessarily buy a changing table, she
wasn’t really that thrilled with many that were on the market, and her
house is an older home. She’s more of a traditional; she has more of a
traditional esthetic. So we found an old changing table, I’m sorry, an
old dresser and we converted it with one of our craftspeople into a
changing table, and put MDF partitions inside of the changing table and
the drawers to make it really compartmentalized and organized. When
you’re in ergonomics, or when you’re a new mom or dad, you need to
reach for things. And we just put a little lip around the edge and we
painted it and it became a changing table. So, that’s a product that
we’ve developed and we use with many of our clients.
Sean Daily: Now when you say a product, do you mean that the concept of the reuse and the re-purposing?
Laura Fishman: Yes, the concept of the reuse and many of our
products that we design are from FSU certified woods. The eco-friendly
synthetic materials that you put in upholstery and we’ve really moved
in that direction of being very conscientious of how we build our new
pieces. When we do build new pieces, many pieces we do build, you
know, that are new, versus refurbishing, like I’ve mentioned. We make
a real concerted effort to make sure the materials are reused
materials, are not toxic, paints for example, are the low VOC C paints,
all of that.
With many of our clients we’ve developed a
subspecialty in children’s playrooms and nurseries. So in that
instance we have to be really, very careful about any sort of hazardous
toxins and it’s all very eco-friendly because kids and babies tend to
be more sensitive and that’s actually, we had a situation where the
client’s child had horrendous, I mean awful, eczema and he seemed to be
allergic to everything and anything. No one really could identify what
he was allergic to but we knew, as this family’s designer, and from the
parent’s perspective, we created a playroom for him, and it’s
completely eco-friendly. And, that was inspired by this little child
that was suffering from the onset of his life. So, we put wallpaper on
the ceiling just for effect, and it’s a paper made by a company out of
Great Britain called Crinson, Dominic Crinson. And, it’s all
water-based inks and the papers are all recycled papers and all of it.
We did a rug on the floor which is what we call one of our products is
called the re-rug, and what we do is we take remnants of carpet that
would otherwise be unused from a large carpet installer here in Los
Angeles, and we design patterns. We use these unused remnants and
create what we call the Re-rug.
Sean Daily: [chuckle] That’s clever. I like that. Re-rug.
Laura Fishman: Yea and their fun and whimsical and they’re really
custom. But every item in that particular playroom is very
environmentally friendly.
Sean Daily: Now in the re-rug product, I’m curious, does that
incorporate in your average installation remnants from previous rugs,
from the family or is it usually…
Laura Fishman: No, It’s actually, I mean, well we have taken
existing rugs and expanded them, because sometimes the family will have
a rug and it doesn’t fit into their new space, so we add a border to
it. That’s one way, but that’s not what we consider the re-rug. The
re-rug is, there’s a big warehouse company that does large commercial
installation here in Los Angeles, and we have a good relationship with
them. And they have lots of, what they refer to as remnant carpets
that just are left over from installations that they’ve done, and
they’re unused, mind you. When I introduced this concept to some of my
clients, they think, well I don’t really want to have like a dirty,
soiled rug, in my baby’s room. But, please keep in mind these are
unused remnants.
Sean Daily: OK.
Laura Fishman: So we basically take something that would otherwise
not be used and we create a specific design for that environment and
that is what we call our re-rugs.
Sean Daily: OK. I’m curious to. It’s interesting this came
up because I was just talking the other day to somebody about deep pile
versus Berber. We were talking about putting a carpet in a space, and
I’m like, well of course we would want that to be, it was actually in
our children’s home school cooperative that we put together, and we
were talking about short pile versus deep pile. I don’t know if that’s
the right terminology, but….
Laura Fishman: Yes, short pile or long pile.
Sean Daily: And so are you finding that most, in order to be,
and obviously, I think you went to the, probably with this, the nursery
you were talking about, it was the extreme of creating this sort of
almost like, hypoallergenic environment.
Laura Fishman: Yea, absolutely.
Sean Daily: For the chemically sensitive child or the allergic
child. But, in general are you seeing it being the shorter pile rugs?
I mean, do you recommend that?
Laura Fishman: In terms of allergies?
Sean Daily: In terms of really just maintaining a healthy home.
Laura Fishman: I think it depends on the rug. I mean, in some
instances, it depends on the functionality of the space. And some
clients prefer a wool rug, and t they’re actually more easily
cleanable, because of the natural lanolin that are in the rugs. And,
it’s also dependent upon the price point, but I’m getting more and more
requests of making sure that the rugs are not allergen provoking.
There are certain rugs, just like you can choose your pillows for your
home, on your bed, that are allergen free. There are certain
companies, like a Dupont, that make a particular type of rug that are
specific to helping those with allergies, but also that don’t use harsh
chemicals in the dying process. Some of these actual rugs are
vegetable dyed.
So, we just like to offer our clients, our first and foremost thing
that we look at when we design is what the client’s needs are, the
esthetic functionality, but we also like to put in the two-cents of the
environment and offer from our end if we’re not getting it from the
client. And often it’s really a two-way street, and most often I think
our clientele, we’re lucky and fortunate that they are proactive about
pursuing, make sure this product doesn’t have, does this product been,
is it, you know, eco-friendly, etc, etc. There’s so many choice,
there’s just a plethora of choices we have now in our market place and
interiors of fabrics, how, what you put something in, what materials
you put inside products. The upholstery, the framing, there’s so many
options. There’s great companies that are coming up that actually have
reclaimed materials that they’ve turned in, like a wine barrel into a
great chandelier. So there’s so many options to explore, that clients
are open to.
Sean Daily: Interesting, so, and when you are forced to go
outside of existing materials that are natural materials, whether we’re
talking about, you know, well you just mentioned like a chandelier or a
set of drawers or carpet, or what have you, are you strictly going with
the natural materials, and the non-synthetic, the non-petroleum based
products, and things like that? Or are you sort of letting the client
drive and trying to encourage them, sort of in the greener direction,
as it were.
Lara Fishman: Again, yea, we’re trying to drive it and often we’re
in the situation, I guess in the past year or so, we’re finding that
the clients are so practiced in pursuing that alternative as well. But
often we use, we approach being environmentally sensitive, in the way
that you’re speaking about, in terms of only offering or looking for
the products that are eco-friendly from the get go. Or are we, what we
kind of call, I don’t know a better term for it, but we kind of up
green, or my friend just used a really good name for it, where when you
have an existing product and otherwise it would be thrown away or put
in a dump, or who knows, that we’re actually utilizing, like the
example of the re-rug. It works for both directions.
Sean Daily: Well I really love that idea, and whenever I
encounter ideas like that I think they’re really cool because you know,
there’s the sentimental values of reusable materials so you don’t loose
them. I don’t consider myself an overly sentimental person but my son
has a little football, ceramic football player that was my fathers in
his nursery, and was mine in my nursery, and was his in his nursery.
It unfortunately suffered a fall, like Humpty-Dumpty, and broke into
several pieces. Here I was the other day bringing it back to the
ceramic restoration shop, which I didn’t even know existed, next to my
favorite Mexican restaurant. [laugh]
Lara Fishman: Oh yea they exist. You just can’t find them. You
never notice them, but there are these people that can do amazing work.
Sean Daily: Yea.
Lara Fishman: And, just basically rebuild something that is
sentimental. You find yourself, especially with children, I think, and
I’m a mother of two, just really sentimental about certain items and
being so much more conscientious about our environment and what we’re
going to be leaving behind for them. And again, you model for them,
and they, my kids at such an early age know about so many elements and
they’re reinforcing it at their school. And if we show up at the
lunch, in my child’s lunch box at her kindergarten with a plastic bag,
we’re almost shunned. I mean, it’s very serious, and they take it very
seriously, which I think is a very good thing.
Sean Daily: Yea well, things have changed. I mean this is a
place where, in terms of the incorporation of these materials in
furniture and things like that, it’s really form meeting function. You
know, it’s something I always feel very tentative about purchasing
brand new materials regardless of their sourcing, just basically from
I’m incorporating this into my home, and there’s a lot of concern
about, you know, the artistic feel, and there’s a lot of ownership
about it. But if it’s something that is sort of already familiar to
you, there’s more warmth. There’s a coldness to purchasing something
that’s just completely foreign, that’s going to be a center piece in a
room or home, especially if it’s in like a nursery, certainly, or a
living room.
Lara Fishman: Exactly.
Sean Daily: But when the end table is from a wine barrel that you made your own wine in, or something like that.
Lara Fishman: Yea, you can’t get more personable then that.
Sean Daily: Yea, so I’m really fascinated. I had no idea
going into this interview that that was actually one of your
specialties. It hadn’t come up in my research.
Lara Fishman: What’s interesting to, is that I didn’t realize,
having done this for so many years, even working with my previous
employer, I didn’t know that it was really a green approach. When now
we realize that as responsible people and as designers that there’s no
alternative but to design this way. Refurbishing old, and also going
forward and designing something new, is to be as conscientious as you
can about being eco-conscious. It was something that kind of, I was
passionate about and I enjoyed it, and didn’t really know that we were
actually doing good. So, I’m happy to know that there’s a nice
symbiosis between my passion of what I was doing and actually doing
something that’s sensitive to the environment.
Sean Daily: Yea, absolutely. Well I want to talk more on that
when we come back. We’re going to take a quick commercial break and
then we will be right back. We’re talking about eco-friendly interior
design concepts with Lara Fishman, who’s the principal and founder of
Storm Interiors, and we will be right back.
Sean Daily: Ok, hi everybody. We’re back with Lara Fishman
from Storm Interiors. She’s the principal and founder, and we’re
talking about ego-friendly design concepts and before the break, Lara,
you were talking about the idea, well just really just about the
materials and incorporating old materials, and things like that. And
the fact that your passion sort of dovetailed with environmentally
friendly, I don’t want to call it trends, because hopefully it’s here
to stay, but environmentally concerned times, I’ll say that. And that
is nice, when sort of that updraft sort of catches you, or that
opportunity meets reality like that. How have you seen in the eight
years that you’ve had this business, how has that changed or grown, or
has it? Are we at some explosive peak right now for you? Can you give
us a tell-back of the last few years?
Lara Fishman: In terms of how this evolved?
Sean Daily: In terms of trends and the volume of the number that are doing this.
Lara Fishman: Initially just getting the information. When you do
what you do, you read all the trade books and you see more and more
issues dedicated, initially and whether it’s going to be a green issue
or green segment of say “Domino Magazine”. They have a minimum of once
a year an actual section dedicated to green interior design, or green
living. Many publications now have it every month; they have something
included. Oh, “At Home”, has a whole segment, “Coastal Living”, you
have to. There’s blogs, as you know dedicated to eco.
Sean Daily: Everything.
Lara Fishman: Eco-design blogs that are just, you know, just. So
it’s been initially just getting products that were eco-friendly and
then seeing that basically every company that we work with has an eco
line, and moving more in that direction. And then you see it in the
media, like I mentioned. So it’s just been growing, and I don’t think
that it’s peaked, I don’t think that it’s a trend. Again, I know
that’s not what you were saying but just for lack of a better
expression. It’s just a direction that we are all needing to be in.
And any designer that hasn’t jumped on the bandwagon, and I mean that
in a good way, will have to. For someone in my position, it’s just a
real creative challenge to keep something, in designing, interior
design, oh pretty, lovely, well keeping into a certain esthetic that’s
appropriate for whom ever your designing but also have it be
eco-balanced. It’s that balance, and that’s what the challenge is.
We’re doing a project now, that I don’t think I would have done a
couple of years ago. I have a friend and she’s gutting a bathroom in
her home, and she’s very conscientious of our environment and wanted to
kind of look to me in terms of what can I do in a remodel of a bathroom
to make sure it’s more eco-friendly, etc, etc.
So we’re doing certain things, like radiant heat. In the heating
element of it to tiling and preventing mold so that if you do, and this
isn’t something that I really realized, but this is something that I
learned, that tiling as much as you can in a bathroom and hopefully
it’s eco-friendly tile or recycled glass tile, if you put tile in it
will help prevent that kind of mold that then is toxic to the
environment and then you have to actually tear everything down and then
redo so it’s using new materials all over again. So it’s really good
to approach this design a new or remodeled bath, even a used in good
shape bath fixture, a faucet today, to find a certain fit. The more
people that reproach design the more the inventory will be available.
So it’s been an education for me in doing this because I’ve gone
online. I’ve gone to my inventors and resources finding what do you
have that been rejected from a job or that you don’t know what to do
with and you want to get off your shelf, you want to move inventory,
that’s unused, anywhere from my bathroom, my plumbing fixture
specialist to my cabinet guy, like I mentioned, right straight into my
own garage.
We’re putting some lights in her bathroom, a pendant fixture that I
actually got off of Ebay, and it’s a Japanese filigree pendant globe
that we’re just going to paint up and put it on the ceiling. So we can
have the experience and knowledge of what will it take in terms of the
furnishings to keep it environmentally friendly, but also from
everywhere, in terms of how we how did we approach the heating, the
natural lightening. She has a window, we’re increasing that window
size right now to help get in some more natural light, since obviously
she wouldn’t need to use her electricity as much. So there’s all kinds
of things, there’s obviously certain, even toilets that are available
right now, that are more eco-conscious so all of these things are an
education for me. And all the products that are so much more available
now then they would have been.
So I see this, back to your question, I know I go far off from the direction you were going initially.
Sean Daily: That’s Ok.
Lara Fishman: This wouldn’t have been a thought in my brain years
back, and the products that are available to us were not even on the
Sean Daily: Right. Things have changed quite a bit. You
mentioned with like toilets for example, and you’re talking about
things like dual flush and composting toilets, and products like that.
Is that accurate?
Lara Fishman: Yes, dual flush.
Sean Daily: Dual flush, yea. Which is default in Europe and
here it’s like a specialty toilet. “Wow you have a dual flush, how
cool!” [chuckle] Unfortunately.
Lara Fishman: Yea, exactly.
Sean Daily: One of the aspects of this that fascinates me the
most is one of the questions that I typically end up asking on behalf
of interested listeners is about costs, because you know, it’s like,
“ok, well it’s going to cost me to go green” in whatever the topic is.
And that’s always a fair question. It’s not to say that that’s the
most important question, but it’s something that people need to budget
for. Right? And understand.
Lara Fishman: Yes.
Sean Daily: But what’s really interesting about this, the
reuse concept or getting extra materials, and things like that, is it
would seem to me, correct me if I’m wrong, that that’s going to
mitigate some of those costs, where it’s not a premium, as premium of a
purchase as it is to go back and say to somebody, you know your using
extra inventory or things like that. Is that accurate?
Lara Fishman: It is accurate, because many of those products that
we…. I’ve just developed a warehouse of items that I’ve just become
sort of a vintage shopper online and offline and an auctioneer fanatic
for better or for worse. So I’ve collected items that would have maybe
been sitting in somebody else’s garage had they not sold them, but I
have products that I sell to my clients, that I actually refurbish and
reuse for myself in our home, or for my office. They’re incredibly
inexpensive compared to say the same light fixture that I mentioned,
that filigreed pendant globe that I mentioned, if we were to have that
made or buy it somewhere it would be exorbitant, I know, I see these
items that are for sale in certain showrooms and they are. So it does
offset it. I think that’s a really good approach, and I think our
clients appreciate that, they see that. Many clients urge you, can we
find it a vintage one, can we find vintage one, because they know that
often that can be less costly, it’s not always the case. You know like
the real McCoy vintage say a Paul McCobb dresser, then that’s going to
be more expensive but depending on the client and their budget and
their desire. But often that’s a very good point that your making, it
does offset the costs because we do know that often the greener
approach that you take in designing a house will be more costly, but I
think that that margin comparing that cost, with say this designing in
a traditional way, in a non-eco way, is that margin’s narrowing.
Sean Daily: Yea, that’s good.
Lara Fishman: Because the fact that more considers in the
supply/demand issue. More consumers are doing this. The same thing,
as I’m sure you know, you’ve probably mentioned this analogy with flat
screen TVs when they first came out, really expensive, now they’re
becoming less so because there’s more of a demand.
Sean Daily: That’s right. As these things become more mainstream it certainly can drive the price down.
Lara Fishman: Exactly.
Sean Daily: So that is a good thing for all. Of course it
also comes with a negative side which is you end up with companies and
providers that are sort of freight training on the green marketing or
the ability to appear green and aren’t really. Don’t have the sort of
wholesome commitment to it that maybe the pioneers did. But that just
goes with the territory.
Lara Fishman: It does, just as with any business. You know, in
bringing that up, I get a digest, a daily digest from the American
Society of Interior Designers, it’s called “Design Daily”, and they
have a section on it dedicated specifically to sustainable design, and
I think it was, even today’s, that there’s a little, yea today, a
little article about, what they do is they take information from all
over the country, or the world, and they just make it more sustained.
And the daily journal, its to publish articles that they then republish
in this journal, and I guess in the Palm Beach Post, they decided among
the Palm Beach County School Board members that all future school
designs, all the construction will be green, and that even with the
added construction costs of the green, it’s only about two percent over
standard costs.
Sean Daily: Wow.
Lara Fishman: So, I thought that was really interesting, this
speaking to your point that that first of all that the school community
in Florida is making this commitment and that the added construction
costs are a very, very nominal two percent.
Sean Daily: Well that’s good to hear, because I think a lot
of, unfortunately, I think a lot of individuals and organizations
probably tend not to implement their green building projects, not for
lack of enlightenment as it were, but for maybe an irrational or
unfounded fear of costs overages.
Lara Fishman: Right.
Sean Daily: That may not exist.
Lara Fishman: That may not exist so they just have to be better
educated about the fact that it, and it’s obviously how much your
saving in the future, not just financially, with less energy bills,
etc., but, how it’s impacting the environment less so.
Sean Daily: Yea, well we’re going to take one more quick break
and then we’re going to be back and I have some questions for you Lara
about hopefully giving some other, both for those who are residential
homeowners and commercial building owners, as well as maybe designers
who are budding to be more eco-friendly designers out there, more tips
from you about materials in the home, and things like that, if we can
leave people on that note. So we’ll be right back talking about
eco-friendly design with Lara Fishman, who is the principal and founder
at Storm Interiors, at We’ll be right back.
Sean Daily: Ok and we are back. We’re talking about
eco-friendly interior design. My guest today is Lara Fishman,
principal and founder at Storm Interiors, in Santa Monica California.
Lara I just was curious, if you can maybe share, really one of the
things I really like to do with the web site as well as on this
program, and certainly that’s been happening in this interview, you
delivered a lot of good information and tips to people. I’m wondering
if you might have any others? Again, both for homeowners and
commercial building owners that are potential clients of yours or other
designers, as well as designers out there. Do you have tips for things
like, other things to watch out? You picked the bathroom, we’ve also
talked about nurseries, are there other areas of a home or a business,
in terms of the types of materials that you would recommend, and other
tips you might leave people with?
Lara Fishman: Well I think the obvious thing that we talked about
the dual flush toilet and plumbing, how you approach your air
conditioning and heating your home, insulation, preventing mold. So
there’s these certain construction tips that we’ve kind of talked
about. But you know, one example I can give or tip is, that something
you may have or own that, or that you see, that maybe finished with,
it’s just kind of keeping in mind and being somewhat creative, and well
how can we take this and give it a different spirit, or re-purpose it.
Like I mentioned the vintage changer, many parents and such may have
some dressers that they may want to change into a changing table.
Also, just when your shopping and any particular product that you
like, find out what are their eco, being more forth coming yourself and
aggressive about finding the products from your manufacturers or what
have you, that are eco-friendly. And promoting those particular
companies, buy from those companies, and not so much from the ones that
haven’t gone in that direction. You know, if you have items laying
around, I recently know someone who created a really beautiful bookcase
from lumber and old piping, and they needed just a bookcase, or storage
in their garage and they took this old scrap lumber and piping and its
amazing what you start, how your brain starts to open up when you sort
of look to see around you what’s available, what’s available that you
have within reach.
I think that it’s a matter of reaching out to people that have a
share in the common interests that you have, like we had to with our
bathroom situation, with this friend that I mentioned, where I reached
out to my cabinet person and others. Everyone was so receptive and
happy to be a part of it, that was what was so, I think, exciting about
this project, is that others are just as interested and committed, more
then you would expect. So I think it’s about the person who’s driving
the design but homeowners really thinking about “Oh that’s my
grandmother’s Victorian cabinet, I’m really not into Victorian, you
know I’m more of a modernist”. Well, you know, give it a different
life. Paint it a color. Put in some old leaded glass in it that may
appear a little bit off or keep it, that’s what makes pieces
interesting. That’s what gives a space it’s personality and that’s
what makes it belong to the owner. That’s what I would really
encourage people to do.
Sean Daily: Ok, and when to reiterate one thing you said
earlier to, which I really resonated, was about choosing where you need
to choose new materials, choose durable ones, because as a former guest
on this show once said “There’s nothing really greener then things that
last forever”. [chuckle]
Lara: Absolutely.
Sean Daily: Well great. Well I really appreciate you coming on the program and sharing all the information.
Lara: It’s my pleasure.
Sean Daily: It’s very informative and it reminds me a lot of,
there was a recycled clothing company, Karen Craven from Burning Torch,
I don’t know if you know the company.
Lara Fishman: Yes I do.
Sean Daily: Oh, Ok.
Lara Fishman: Burning Torch.
Sean Daily: Yea. They’re very similar in terms of the
clothing industry of this idea of reusing vintage items and
re-purposing them.
Lara Fishman: Yes and it’s amazing. I mean, and in terms of
fashion, obviously interiors and fashion are very closely related and
they inspire one another. I mean, Barneys, is sort of the Crème de le
Crème of fashion, has his own eco line that Stella McCartney has
designed for them. She’s collaborating with Adidas, she’s creating T’s
out of bamboo and polyester and organic cotton. It’s just the
direction that many of the fashionistas and manufacturers are going in
and that’s spilling into interiors, and vice versa.
Sean Daily: Yea. Well design leads any industry whether it’s
fashion or home building or what have you. In L.A. it’s certainly the
L.A. area is certainly a hot bed as is Paris. So it’s good to see that
it’s starting there, because I only expect that that trend will
continue and spread to other parts of the world. Well great.
Well my guest again today has been Lara Fishman who is the principal
and founder of Storm Interiors. You can find them online at www. Lara, thanks again.
Lara Fishman: Thank you so much.
Sean Daily: Thanks as always to everyone listening in today.
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