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Published on March 2nd, 2008 | by Stephanie Evans


Personal Life Media Adds GreenTalk Radio to Growing Podcast Network

Podcasts “Beach Walks with Rox” daily podcast and “GreenTalk Radio” podcast outsource podcasting ad sales.

Santa Rosa, CA and Los Altos, CA (PRWEB)
March 2, 2008 — Personal Life Media™, Inc. a publisher of lifestyle
podcast content for people on the leading edge of culture, announces
that two popular shows have joined the podcast advertising network
bringing the total line up to 22 weekly audio shows and one daily video
podcast along with their companion blogs. All shows are free podcasts.

Both shows offer enlightening and motivational content for
consumers, in line with the PLM podcasting content strategy. As well,
the company has published more than 500 episodes of content and will
now add 600 episodes of Beach Walks and 100 episodes of GreenTalk
bringing the total archive of timely, life-enhancing shows to 1,200.

“Beach Walks with Rox: A Little Aloha Everyday” is a daily 3-minute
video free podcast with star, Roxanne Darling, and her lab, Lexi,
walking a Hawai’ian beach with an inspirational thought-for-the-day.
“GreenTalk Radio” is a weekly ecology audio podcast focused making
informed decisions on the plethora of green-alternative products and
services with Sean Daily, founder of Green Living Ideas.

“Both podcasts focus on a critical theme or life issue that our
listeners, cultural creatives over 35, care about deeply,” said Susan
Bratton, co-founder and CEO of Personal Life Media. “And our
advertisers are looking for more inspirational and sustainable-living
free podcasts that appeal to boomers.”

Whereas Personal Life Media has previously co-created all of the
network’s existing podcasts with carefully selected expert hosts, this
is the first time established podcasts have been invited to join the
network. Both Beach Walks and GreenTalk free podcasts chose Personal
Life Media to exclusively represent their podcasts to sponsors. Using
VoloMedia’s (formerly Podbridge) dynamic ad serving, the podcasting
network monetizes downloadable media with pre-, mid- and post-roll
audio and video ads, advertorials, host endorsements and product
integration into their network of shows, packaging audiences by
contextually relevant subject matter. Beach Walks aligns with the
“personal growth” category and GreenTalk is positioned in the
sustainable lifestyle market. Because both shows have strong technical
experience delivering highly consistent and professionally produced
content, they are well suited for the PLM podcasting network.

“We are extremely careful with the production value of our show and
after more than 600 episodes, the quality of the potential advertiser
is of paramount importance in both generating revenue while not
alienating our passionate viewers,” says Roxanne Darling, star of Beach
Walks. “For our show, Personal Life Media offers the most experienced
and professional approach to monetizing free podcast content in the

“My core strength is producing 15 monthly GreenTalk shows, and being
able to outsource the advertising and revenue generation to Personal
Life Media allows me to stay focused on GreenLivingIdeas.com, says Sean
Daily, Host of GreenTalk. “It’s a perfect match – green expertise and
sales mastery come together in this relationship.”

The Latest Personal Life Media Shows Reveal & Inspire

GreenTalk is launched on the Personal Life Media site and Beach Walks with Rox is coming online in March.

All shows from Personal Life Media may be accessed in iTunes at:


Beach Walks with Rox: A Little Aloha Everyday

Join Roxanne Darling, Secret Cameraman and Lexi the Lab on Location
in Hawai’i. Viewers from 70 countries delight in watching beautiful Rox
share her daily words of wisdom, moments of inspiration and caring
thoughts. Watch her walk down the beach, the wind ruffling her hair as
she throws a ball for Lexi into the ocean. Beach Walks is your daily
moment of stress-relief.

See the blue water, hear the surf washing the sand, and watch the palm
trees swaying. Sheer bliss. Caring, loving, balanced and beautiful –
every new day brings aloha into your life with a positive message and
the beautiful scenery of Hawai’i.

A former communications coach, Yoga teacher, expert speaker, trainer
and new media strategist, Roxanne draws from her depth of experience to
bring motivational moments to her listeners in this multi-award winning
show. Listen as Rox and Lexi spread happiness worldwide!

Listen Now:


Subscribe in iTunes:


GreenTalk Radio: Keeping Going Green Down to Earth

GreenTalk was created to help listeners lead a more eco-friendly
lifestyle. Learn how to navigate the explosion of green and
ecology-oriented products and services with host, Sean Daily, CEO and
co-founder of GreenLivingIdeas.com. The GreenTalk podcasts show how
easy it is to support the environment by changing preferences and

Sean entertains and educates through interviews with innovative and
caring companies, authors and experts from around the world. Hear the
critical issues facing the global environment today, as well as the
technologies, products and practices that help people go green in every
area of their life.

GreenTalk has over 100 podcasts that cover nearly every aspect of
green and sustainable living and working. Sean interviews executives
from companies across a wide array of industries, as well as authors,
industry experts, and other prominent individuals at the forefront of
green tech and environmentalism. Episode topics include alternative
energy, fuels, and vehicles, as well as green building, organic foods,
green business and office practices, eco-tourism, and much more.

Going green is easier than anyone thought. Learn how you can start today with GreenTalk Radio from GreenLivingIdeas.com.

Listen Now:


Subscribe in iTunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=259625179

About Personal Life Media

Personal Life Media (http://www.personallifemedia.com)
is a multimedia lifestyle brand providing entertaining and authentic
personal content to socially conscious adults, and is the first podcast
and blog advertising network for advertisers to reach the “cultural
creatives” market segment. Expert hosts deliver motivational programs,
talk shows, reality-audio, interviews, advanced techniques and guided
exercises in blogs, web audio, video and podcasting formats.

The podcasting network offers 22 free weekly audio and video
programs, podcasts and companion blogs about happiness, relationships,
sensuality, life purpose, wealth creation, healthy aging and longevity.
Additional areas of interest include life coaching, ecology,
creativity, weight-loss, beauty innovation and cosmetic surgery,
retirement, passion at work and play, ethical sales, book reviews,
spirituality, personal and global transformation.

Access the shows for free from a browser or subscribe via RSS or iTunes
and listen on an iPod or MP3 player. Personal Life Media is
headquartered in Silicon Valley, California.


Get the Green Living Ideas book in softcover or PDF for as low as $2.99!

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