Use Mineral Make-Up to Color Clear Polish
Mineral make-up has become a popular choice for those with skin sensitivities, allergies or anyone looking for environmentally-sound cosmetic choices. Most mineral make-up comes in minimal packaging from companies taking a firm stance toward green-production. Another great thing about mineral make-up is it’s versatility, for example, pink minerals can be used for eyes, cheeks, lips and even nails.
Here’s how you can even use mineral make-up to color your clear polish.
Choose Your Favorite Clear Polish
You may already have your favorite brand of polish, especially the clear base/top coat. For this project, go ahead and use what you’re use to. If you don’t have a favorite than definitely take this opportunity to try out some of the more eco-friendly polishes on the market. Honeybee Gardens has a nice clear coat as does Suncoat. Both of these are water-based polishes. These polishes are free of harsh chemicals and lack the strong vapors of traditional polishes. Remember to remove these water-based types of polishes weekly since they can become more difficult to remove as more time passes.
{cc photo courtesy of Cait Vaughn on Flickr}
Find Some Inspiration
You could easily loose yourself in the world of nail designs, especially on Pinterest or simply Googling “nail designs”. If you already have a good collection of mineral make-up than designs can be quite extensive otherwise some planning and ordering of new mineral colors might be necessary. You can go for seasonal designs with rainbows and shamrocks for St. Patrick’s Day or eggs and bunnies for Easter. Balloons for birthdays or cupcakes are other fun and popular designs. If you love sweets than painting your nails to look like chocolate chip cookies might be fun and can be done with a simple set of mineral make-up foundation and bronzer. The nude and brown mineral shades are perfect for this. Even simple pinks, like those used for blush, are wonderful for doing a French manicure.
{cc photo courtesy of kittynailpolish on Flickr}
Just Add Minerals
Mineral make-up is so versatile because the colors come from the earth. When you think of places like Sedona where the soil takes on such vibrant shades of red it’s easy to see how there can be so many colors to choose from. If you’re not sure, check out the cosmetic shops on Etsy. Many of these indie businesses offer sample collections with wonderful colors to choose from. They usually come in tiny ziploc bags easily stored in your nail basket.
{cc photo courtesy of Webbaliah on Flickr}
Let’s get Ready to Paint
Most crafters already have a cup somewhere filled with paint brushes of various sizes and shapes. These are perfect for painting your nails. If you don’t have access, invest in some cheap paint brushes focusing on the smaller, thinner tips for making intricate details on small nails. Once you have your brushes you will simply add some clear polish to a small dish. I use a cleaned-out plastic bottle lid like from a water bottle or you can use painter’s palate. Use a toothpick to carefully add your mineral make-up to the clear polish and swirl until both the right color and the right texture. You will not need for much and can use about five drops of the clear polish at a time. Now get started on whatever designs you chose or simply paint your nails one color. When finished remember to brush a clear top coat to help keep your design from fading or chipping. That’s it, your all done.
{cc photo courtesy of photobunny on Flickr}
Have you found other things to do with your favorite mineral make-up? What designs are you going to try out?