Browsing the "Podcasts" Tag

Rockin with Willie Nile & Running from Crazy: Inspiring Week

November 5th, 2013 | by The Green Divas

GD Meg got a private concert (well almost, there were about 10 people in the HomeGrownRadioNJ studio) with Willie Nile, who has just released a new CD, American Ride . . . GD Mizar and I went to New York for the premiere of Running from Crazy and not only got to see Mariel Hemingway again, but we got to meet Bobby Williams in person finally, and we made some new friends before the show

Green Divas Radio Show (Podcast): Mariel Hemingway

March 4th, 2013 | by The Green Divas

We finally got to talk to one of our Green Diva heroes, the beautiful and inspiring actress, author and activist, Mariel Hemingway. She is one busy lady these days with a documentary about her life as a Hemingway, Running From Crazy, and her new book, The Willing Way and many worthy projects in between

Mariel Hemingway on the New Green Divas Radio Show

October 17th, 2012 | by The Green Divas

Our first guest on November 1st will be the beautiful and definitely green diva, Mariel Hemingway, who recently did a written Q & A with GD Meg about her film project, Stop Monsanto. Expect some serious talk about why GMOs suck and Prop 37, which will be voted on the following week

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