Browsing the "Green Lifestyle" Category

How Exercise Helps the Environment

April 9th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Exercise is a foundation helping pave the way to great environmental change. It starts small and quietly, but quickly, builds into monumental differences in our lives. While walking, jogging and and cycling are wonderful for heart health and overall fitness, they also have a lasting impact on green living. Here are a few ways exercise helps the Environment

Waterflossers Have it Over Traditional Floss

April 5th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

I recently began researching water flossers, though, and it's been quite enlightening for an eco gal. When you think of the amount of floss and containers that find their way into landfills, it's no surprise that the water flosser seems to bare its eco-banner pretty loudly. I've found water flossers have it all over traditional dental floss

Keep Mosquitoes at Bay Naturally

April 2nd, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

West Nile Virus is here to stay and now there are cases of Dengue Fever popping up in the south. Both diseases are carried by the mosquito so, besides causing annoying and itchy bites, mosquitoes carry disease and even cause major allergic reactions in some individuals. While there are several chemical repellents on the market you can actually enjoy mosquito-free eco-living . Here are a few ways to keep mosquitoes at bay naturally

Evernote: A Marvelous Earth-friendly Family Command Center

March 29th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

For us, the family command center was a book of all the things we may need, from addresses to home inventory lists. Through the years I also used it to hold all the magazine clippings and pictures I'd snap of things I wanted. The book quickly exploded beyond the three-ring binder especially after adding recipes. But once Evernote entered my world, organization and family commanding became so much more fun and eco-friendly. Here's a look at how Evernote can become your family's new family command center

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