Browsing the "Eco Home Living" Category

Klean Kanteen: Replacing Plastics for Every Member of the Family

February 21st, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

The safety of BPA has been questioned by the National Toxicology Program of the Department of Health and Human Services as well as the Food and Drug Administration. Recently, infant bottles have moved to BPA-free or back to glass. If you are looking for BPA-free replacements for plastic drink containers than look no further. Klean Kanteen offers replacements for plastic drink containers used by all members of your family

Make Your Own Chicken Feed

February 9th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

For a while I fed our backyard gals feed store varieties of feed. I thought for sure the bag of food had some magical properties that sustained our girls and kept them producing gorgeous, tasty eggs. After learning about the dangers of GMOs though I had to take a look at what was being fed to our poultry darlings. Some research showed not only could our chickens be sustained mostly on scraps and free ranging, but that feed could be made easily and cost-efficiently. You can make your own chicken feed to save money and avoid GMO ingredients

1st and Green: Super Bowl Environmental Challenge

January 31st, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Indianapolis is ground zero for the 2012 Super Bowl featuring the New England Patriots and the New York Giants. 1st and Green is an environmental challenge hoping to cash in on the Super Bowl excitement by motivating individuals, households and teams to live more eco-consciously.

Plastic Vs Pine Christmas Trees

December 10th, 2011 | by Chris Keenan

‘Tis the season to be jolly and nothing makes us jollier than taking care of the earth, right? This holiday season when you decorate your home, stop and consider how your home decorations are effecting the environment. A good place to start is the centerpiece of most homes during the holidays: the Christmas tree (or Yule tree, or holiday tree, or whatever you choose to call it.) Also known as the good old fashioned “evergreen tree,” one has to stop and wonder: is it really green

Enviro-Log Review and Giveaway: Recycled Cardboard Meets Chiminea

December 8th, 2011 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

This Arizona girl does not get to enjoy warm fires often, but this weekend's low temperatures and light rain set the mood to perfection. With two three-pound Enviro-Logs samples and a chiminea aching for a blaze, it became delightfully warm and cozy on the back patio. Here is the review of my experience with the Enviro-Log

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