Karen Lee, Author at Green Living Ideas

About Karen Lee

Karen Lee Karen lives a simple, frugal, green life and shares her eco tips and news on ecokaren and is a co-founder of Green Sisterhood, a network of community of green women bloggers, making change. When she's not managing Green Sisterhood or blogging on ecokaren, she is a chauffeur to two greenagers, wife to an accidental recycler, master chef to hungry locavores, seamstress, knitter, and dumpster diver, not necessarily in that order.

Author Archives: Karen Lee

Global Health and Innovation Conference by Unite for Sight

May 1st, 2012 | by Karen Lee

Unite for Sight is a 501(c)(3) non-profit global health delivery organization that eliminates preventable blindness and it sponsors world's leading global health and social entrepreneurship conference that attracts over 2000 participants from all over the world every year. The goal of this conference is to exchange ideas and best practices across disciplines in order to improve public health and international development on various aspects, including community development, environmental health, social entrepreneurship, refugee health, maternal and child health

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