6 Eco-Friendly Ways to Keep Your House Comfortable (Inside and Out)
We all know that energy efficient technologies and greener routines are the future. Not necessarily because we prefer them or because they’re more convenient, but because the health of our world demands it. Yet, one of the reasons why homeowners often struggle to adopt eco-friendly changes is a lack of understanding.
We don’t spend enough time talking about the many different perks of ‘going green.’ Instead of focusing on the differences, we should be focusing on how great it is that we can still do all of the things that we want to while using marginally less energy. The reality is that sustainability can be really exciting if you get passionate about improving your world.
These clever tips and tricks will help you reduce your carbon footprint, while discovering some pretty cool home improvements as well.
Install an ‘Eco’ Heater
Aussies love spending time outside, whether it’s on the beach or out in the garden. Most homes have some form of outdoor heating because people like to entertain right into the late summer and beyond, weather permitting. With energy efficient outdoor heaters, you can keep your deck or patio warm, without running up big bills and having to consume lots of energy.
Seal and Insulate
Heating and cooling costs make up around 45% of the energy expenditure in a typical home. This is a huge proportion of your monthly or annual bill and there are plenty of easy ways to keep it manageable. For instance, inspecting your house for gaps and cracks is a good idea. Check around windows, doors, and in the attic. If you find them, seal them up and save money.
Buy Green Appliances
All large appliances sold in Australia must now come with an energy rating. This includes dishwashers, washing machines, cookers, and tumble dryers. The rating makes it easy for homeowners to pick out the most efficient machines. It is worth doing so, because you can save upwards of $100 each year just by choosing greener kitchen devices.
Make the Most of Your Landscaping
Many people don’t realise that it’s possible to decrease the carbon footprint of a home through landscaping alone. If you want to make big changes, you need to combine it with other methods, but it does have its own effect. If you plant deciduous trees to the south and west, the leaves will provide shade and cool air in summer. Alternatively, when the winter rolls around, the leaves will offer insulation and warmth.
Invest in a Skylight
Windowless rooms can benefit greatly from the addition of a broad, expansive skylight. While they do represent an investment – buying a skylight is always going to be costly than picking up a green appliance – they do offer great value for money in the long term. With natural sunlight flooding into the room, you’ll use your electric less often and actually save cash.
Cheat On Your Supplier
It is natural to equate safety and comfort with familiarity, particularly when it comes to energy suppliers. However, you should remember that these companies aren’t built on loyalty. They would have you believe that this is the case, but the truth is that most providers give their best deals to new customers. So, if you want to take advantage of lower rates, think about switching suppliers at least once every two years.
Why an Energy Efficient Home is a Happy Home
The importance of green homes cannot be overestimated, particularly when it comes to the wider issues and the health of the planet in general. However, your little world has its own needs and goals. If you only adopt green technologies because it makes life easier for you and your family, that’s perfectly fine. Just know that, even if you’re thinking small, you’re contributing to a big change.
This post was sponsored by Thermofilm AUS