Put A Charge Into Your Bike Commute: DIY Electric Bike
In order to be a dedicated and regular bike commuter there are some things you just have to come to terms with. Odds are you’ll probably be sweaty when you get to work. Sometimes, you’ll have no choice but to ride through a monsoon to get home. And whether or not you like it, riding your bike up that hill is just simply faster than walking. Fortunately for those of us who’ve traded in our trunk space for backpacks and leather seats for spandex, that hill you’ve been dreading may be a worry of the past. Meet Micah Toll and his do-it-yourself electric bike book.
Micah has been building these DIY electric bikes for over six years and the results speak for themselves. By converting your bike to an e-bike you can commute at speeds of 30mph, go 40 miles on a single charge and the cost to travel 1,000 miles is only $2.50 in energy costs! Best of all, now being a bike commuter doesn’t have to be synonymous with sacrifice. This eloquent solution to commuting can cut down on both commute times and carbon emissions simultaneously. Since you’ll be riding on a bicycle you can switch between bike lanes, roadways and sidewalks at your leisure. Plus, you don’t need a drivers license or insurance to get around town.
Micah is running a crowd funding campaign for a revised hardback copy of his DIY book through Kickstarter. There are a variety of donation levels that range from $10-$50. All of which will you get you, at the minimum, an electric copy of Micah’s DIY book and more. So if you’re the DIY type, who happens to commute on their bike, you’ll be able to save both time on the cranks and the environment.
Photo courtesy of EV WORLD.
This post was generously sponsored by Micah Toll.