Green Lifestyle

Published on August 26th, 2013 | by Tara O'Brien


It’s Rambutan Season!

Here in the mountainous area of Costa Rica the rambutans have finally ripened and you can see the little fuzzy red fruit being sold everywhere on the side of the road. We have an abundance of them on the farm and I’ve been eating more than I can count. Naturally, I needed to know what health benefits came with excessive consumption of the fruit.

I was a little bit disappointed when I found out they were about 70 calories a pop. But the health benefits that come along with them seriously outweigh the hearty snack that happens when you sit down and eat five at a time.

My all time favorite health benefit of any food is when I read that it helps prevent cancer. Rambutans contain antioxidants and flavonoids that help get rid of free radicals that make their way into our bodies. They also contain a good amount of Vitamin C– about 4-6 rambutans will give you more than enough vitamin C for the day. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron as well as fighting against free radicals.

Aside from fighting cancer there are many beauty benefits. These are: stronger bones, clear skin, and thicker hair. While eating them will show these results, using other parts of the fruit may get you there faster. For thick hair smash the leaves into water and apply the paste to your scalp. For skin care, crush the seeds with water and apply to your face.

I love a plant where you can use every bit that is provided for one reason or another. Boiling four leaves in three cups of water and drinking the tea twice a day can help lower a fever. I’ve never tried any of these remedies, but should the time come I will be running out to find the leaves. I may make myself a spa day this weekend to try out the hair serum!

For those of you in the tropics, enjoy your healthy snack and remedy experiments. Hopefully there is a quaint little shop that may carry exotic fruits in your hometown or somewhere nearby. I know I’m excited to continue my love affair with the strange looking treat.


The center is always the best part.





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