Green Lifestyle

Published on February 28th, 2013 | by Guest Contributor


Eco-friendly Appliance Options

Home owners are increasingly turning to eco-friendly and energy efficient appliances, both as a means of saving money and as a manifestation of their concern for the environment. These days, many brands develop eco-friendly products alongside their featured range or include clever energy saving technologies to cater to this growing market. Such smart technology is truly revolutionizing the white goods industry and although it might not be as thrilling as the latest iPhone or Xbox console, it is definitely something to get excited about.

Bubble technology

Washing your clothes in bubbles might not sound like a revolutionary advancement but Samsung’s ecobubble™ technology is certainly worth getting in a lather about (couldn’t help it!) Its unique technology that creates thousands of tiny bubbles which permeate fabrics to wash more efficiently and quickly. Because of its unique mix of water and detergent you can wash clothes at lower than normal temperatures, to help you save even more energy. Adding to Samsung’s tech credentials is the creation of a diamond washing machine drum. While it might not sound exciting, this new pattern means that clothes will be better cared for and thus have a longer life

Image courtesy of Samsung

Image courtesy of Samsung

Sensor drying

Tumble dryers are a wonderful addition to the home, especially for those wet and damp winter months. However, many people forgo buying a tumble dryer because of the high costs that are often associated with them. New technology now means that you can save money and energy as well as enjoying the luxury of perfectly dried clothes. Sensor drying uses sensors in the dryer to recognize when clothes are completely dry before turning off the machine. This means that you avoid drying your clothes for too long (or wearing them out with all that heat) thereby using less energy and saving you money.

Water saving

As many conservation-minded folks know, there is a swiftly dwindling amount of water on earth, and so every opportunity to conserve it is important. In addition, water bills can often be some of the costliest and unavoidable bills for a household. Bosch has developed its Logixx range which incorporates clever energy saving additions relevant to its different appliances. Bosch’s washing machines include ActiveWater™ technology which uses flow sensors to measure the water so that the correct amount is used each time based on the load size. Built in measurement like this means that there is not a set water amount, so if you’re only washing a few clothes you won’t be using the same amount of water as you would for a full load. Water usage adapts during the cycle so that no excess water is used during the cycle.

Image courtesy of Bosch.

Image courtesy of Bosch.

If you’re serious about helping the environment, consider investing in an eco-friendly appliance. It will raise your green profile, save you money and you’ll get that warm fuzzy feeling every time you do your laundry!


This is a guest post from techy geek Sarah Murray works for Appliances Online. When she’s not checking out the latest advances in the tech world she enjoys fighting for control of the Xbox console and downloading the latest apps on her iPad.



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