Help Scientists Identify Wild Animals with Snapshot Serengeti - Green Living Ideas


Published on December 21st, 2012 | by Guest Contributor


Help Scientists Identify Wild Animals with Snapshot Serengeti

If you and your family are interested in wildlife, Snapshot Serengeti is a great way to foster this fascination. With hundreds of cameras set up across the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, the daily lives of wild animals are captured- and you can help the scientists find out what the animals are doing in their daily lives across the park.

According to this article from NPR’s The World, the cameras generate millions of photos, and they need help classifying the information. The Snapshot Serengeti program guides you through classification (did you know the photo below was a wildebeast? I did NOT) by color or horns, and asks what’s happening in each photo. Sometimes there is nothing, other times there are babies… and other times hyenas eat the camera! It’s a fascinating look at the world around us- and decidedly cheaper than a trip to the park itself.

Citizen Science to Help Identify African Animals | PRI’s The World.


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