Mariel Hemingway on GMOs and Why We Need to Stop Monsanto
I was introduced to a wonderful new film project that Mariel Hemingway is behind called Stop Monsanto. I’m excited about the film and hope you will be too. I had the opportunity to correspond with Ms. Hemingway about the film and the issues behind it (agribusiness, GMO/GE food). But first, let’s just do a little GMO 101 . . .
What are GMOs?
One of my very favorite writers, Nancy Dreyfus, did a guest post for, which is a thorough 101 on GMOs, called Waiter There’s a Fish in My Tomato. I HIGHLY recommend reading this well-researched and documented article. In the meantime, here’s her definition of GMO:
A genetically modified organism (GMO, also called “genetically engineered”) is a plant, animal or microorganism (eg, bacteria) that is created by means that overcome natural boundaries. Genetic engineering involves crossing species that could not cross in nature.
If you haven’t heard about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or Genetically Engineered (GE) foods or Monsanto‘s role in all of this, I hate to be the one to rupture your bubble, but this is a big issue and we all need to get educated about it. I’m not a scientist, farmer or bioengineer, but I am a foodie. I love food and have been in love with sustainable agriculture concepts
and practices since the 80s. I’m also not a news journalist and don’t pretend to be one, so I’ll be clear about my opinion right up front – I prefer to NOT to eat GMO/GE foods, and I doubt anyone could convince me otherwise.
Find out more about #StopMonsanto from Mariel Hemingway in her Q & A with Green Diva Meg . . .