Green Lifestyle

Published on August 3rd, 2012 | by Guest Contributor


Greening of MBA Programs

A curious thing has happened since the explosion of sustainable MBA programs, they have begun to infiltrate traditional MBAs. Some of the universities now incorporating sustainable practices into their MBAs may surprise you. Northwestern (Kellogg), Harvard Business and UPenn (Wharton), traditionally conservative when it comes to environmental and social responsibility component of business have introduced sustainable curriculum to their business programs.



The recent popularity of sustainable specific graduate schools such as Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI) and Presidio Graduate School have spread beyond the green community with other universities taking note. Even online colleges have taken the hint with major web-based schools like Alliant, Walden and Marylhurst offering specialized programs.

According to Gifford Pinchot III, the President of  BGI: “The business world is finally waking up to the importance of addressing the issue of sustainability. Traditional business schools are a bit behind the trend, but are beginning to acknowledge the relevance of social and environmental values in making business decisions.”

It comes with a shift in attitude towards business and corporations influenced in part by the many recent corruption and ethical collapses associated with corporate greed in the business world. With younger generations growing up in a more global business environment, we have become more accustomed to, and are beginning to take greater notice of environmental impacts and social responsibility concerns. Sweatshops, health complications from hazardous and toxic materials in modern product components, dumping sites and environmental destruction.

As our world changes, so does our education system, with the slow integration and evolution of green MBAs into any Masters in Business Administration programs.

{Graduate photo via hmm360}

Jean-Paul LaCount is a biologist, photographer and web marketing strategist. He writes about eco-friendly products and green living on his blog, The Chic Ecologist.


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