Renewing Green Vows in 2012
Whether you are a newbie greenie or seasoned earth-lover, we can all use a little renewal on our vows to live and be green. 2012 brings a new year of opportunities to deepen your commitment to living lightly and growing the green movement.
As we look back on all that happened in 2011, sometimes we forgot to bring our reusable containers, missed an opportunity to enlighten and support others in their journey, or just held back for whatever reason to living more consciously.
Let’s forgive our imperfections, our mistakes and absent-mindedness, and allow ourselves to move forward with whatever habits and changes we’d like to incorporate into our lifestyle.
Time for Reflection
Before we pounce on those resolutions, take a moment to reflect on all the ups and downs that 2011 had to offer. Remember to reflect with compassion. You can’t change what’s already happened, so just take a good honest look, and don’t judge yourself for what you didn’t do. What did you make progress on, and what would you like to do better?
Renewed Commitments For 2012
Now for the fun part. What new green things will you try this year? And what habits will you commit to deepening? Here are some ideas to inspire your 2012 green resolutions.
1. Don’t buy bottled water. Bottled water is equivalent to filtered tap water, but many times more expensive. The top 2 easiest ways to reduce waste and plastic consumption are to bring your reusable bags and water bottles. Just keep bringing them!
2. Compost. Start your own worm bin compost or backyard pile.
3. Grow your own food. If you don’t have space, start an indoor container garden or join a community garden.
4. Use cloth pads and a moon cup. A woman’s moon cycle is a wonderful, life-giving process to be celebrated, not shunned or avoided. I know, this topic is a little gross and taboo. But if you can, try switching from disposable plastic, synthetic tampons and pads to reusable cloth pads and a cup. Some cups to choose from: Diva cup, Keeper cup, and Softcup.
5. Give up toxic cleaning products. Conventional cleaners contain harsh, resource-intensive, pollutive, and allergenic chemicals. Switch to plant-based, non-toxic, hypoallergenic products, or, even better, make your own.
6. Join a CSA. Support sustainable agriculture by becoming a stakeholder in an organic farm. You can subscribe to a program in Community Supported Agriculture, or CSA, and receive a box of delicious, organic, and fresh vegetables and fruits for anywhere between $25-50 a box.
7. Give up paper towels. Start using cleaning rags instead.
8. Reduce. Go without when you can. Do you really need those new shoes? That new jacket? It’s snazzy, but if it’s sitting in your home without use, it’s using unnecessary resources. Even if it’s a green product, it’s not green if you’re not making good use of it.
9. Volunteer. Green living isn’t done for yourself. It’s for the community. Go out and help your community. In the meantime, you’ll have more opportunities to connect with like-minded people and talk about eco-friendly activities.
10. Become a solutionary activist or social entrepreneur. Already a pro at green living and want to do more? Instead of protesting, create solutions to the problems that you see. Start organizing your neighbors and friends to push for more sustainable policies in your community. If you’ve got a business or marketing streak, start your own social enterprise. Two ladies from {r}evolution apparel started their own sustainable design company, producing multi-functional clothing from recycled fabric.
The possibilities are endless! The only thing stopping you from deepening your commitment are your own limiting beliefs. Liberate yourself, and let your inner earth-lover out to play.
What are your 2012 New Year’s Resolutions?
[CC image by JoelMontes via Flickr]