Food and Cuisine

Published on October 13th, 2011 | by Vivian Nelson Melle


Corporations to Kick Out of Your Kitchen



5. Wal-mart

The economy is dipping into the unknown and many are treading water merely keeping their head above debt. It seems purchasing goods through cheap stores like Wal-Mart are the only way to make ends meet, but each purchase damages the economy further. Where Wal-Marts move in, small business go under. Wal-Mart has a history of unfair labor practices that rival most corporations in America and many of their cheap products come from abroad instead of how Sam Walton originally intended them to be made in America. A trip to Wal-Mart means you’re missing out on locally grown produce, honey, meats and handmade products. You are feeding a monopoly that is trying to cater to the eco-saavy shopper not because they care about the environment, but because they want to be the only choice you have.

{CC Image by galaygobi via Flickr}

{Sources: India Resouce Center, Center for Science in the Public Interest and Benefits Buzz}

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About the Author

Vivian Nelson Melle is a writer and life coach helping individuals, families, and businesses thrive. She supports small businesses especially in the areas of Green Living, Health, and Wellness. She can be found at and

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