Food and Cuisine

Published on October 13th, 2011 | by Vivian Nelson Melle


Corporations to Kick Out of Your Kitchen

As protesters take on Wall Street many wonder how the working class have less and less to spend  the good things in life while corporations avoid having to pay taxes. While there is an unfair advantage benefiting the rich, there are a few changes that can hurt the big companies while making a difference in your health and the well being of others. On your next shopping adventure, take the time to plan how you will break your addiction to big companies. Here we skim the surface offering five corporations to kick out of your kitchen.

Millions against Monstanto

Millions against Monsanto

1. Monsanto

I didn’t say it would be easy. The best way to knock this big guy out is to look for GMO foods. Since there are no label laws you should look for non-GMO labels as these companies are proud and stamp it for all to see. Corn, canola, cottonseed and soybean are the biggest culprits so use caution with products containing these ingredients. Also watch your meat intake because most of these GMO products are feed to animals as feed. The best way to avoid Monsanto is to buy local, grass fed animals or avoid meat. Get to know your local farmer and you’ll know exactly what seeds are used and how the produce is maintained. If your fruits and veggies are being purchased from the farmer’s market than more likely than not that farmer is fighting to keep Monsanto out of his/her fields.

{CC photo courtesy of  MillionsAgainstMonsanto on Flickr}

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About the Author

Vivian Nelson Melle is a writer and life coach helping individuals, families, and businesses thrive. She supports small businesses especially in the areas of Green Living, Health, and Wellness. She can be found at and

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