5 Ways to Simplify Your Virtual Life
5. Stop Multi-Tasking
We rarely take the time spent online seriously but nonetheless it eats up big chunks of our day. I recently wrote about the false sense of achievement we get out of multitasking. In our strive to save time we subconsciously revert to multitasking but guess what, this myth was recently busted and it has become more than obvious now that by multitasking we overload our brains and slow down our efficiency.
Checking email and chatting while reading the news is not considered efficient anymore. Take your time and single task deliberately. At the end of the day you will have achieved more while single-tasking and your brain will be fresh. And any time you feel tempted to revert to multitasking remember Aesop’s fable The Tortoise and the Hare.
By simplifying your virtual life you will free up time to be with the people you love and to do the things you love, which in turn will nourish your self-sufficiency and will increase your positivity. But keep in mind that bad virtual habits will creep back if you let them. As with love, you have to continually work on your relationship with technology, and the more conscious you are about simplifying your life online, the closer you will get to a simple lifestyle offline.
[CC image by iz4aks]
What steps have you taken to simplify your virtual life?
Sonya Kanelstrand is a photographer and a creative artist who blogs from the heart of the Norwegian forest. That is where most of her inspiration comes from. She likes the close touch of nature, the colors of autumn and the smell of the sea. Sonya implements the knowledge gained from studying Philology and Pedagogy in her approach to sustainable and eco-friendly living.