Scandinavian Simplicity for a Green Home
The recent horrific events in Oslo, Norway had a profound effect on many because of what Oslo represents. The draw of many Scandinavian Utopias, like Oslo is the simpleness of design from letting go of the materialism (see #3) which clutters so many homes. This detail pushes a green element with the basic idea that less is more.
Winner of the Greenlux Award for Greenest International City, Oslo represents the ideal for green living. But long before the Green Revolution began, Scandinavian cultures brought neat and tidiness to the forefront. Follow suit with these five simple ideas for Scandinavian simplicity at home.
1. Declutter
{CC photo courtesy of ooh_food on Flickr}
Scandinavian homes appear neat and tidy because there is seldom items which are not needed. Modern living has brought with it a plethora of tools for the various household tasks. While it may seem like a cherry pitter is essential, it seems less relevant when it comes to how much space is required to store the item. Decluttering means to get rid of the items not used on a daily, or at least weekly, base.
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