Sunbeds Cause Damage to your Health and to the Environment
While many are becoming increasing aware of the fact that tanning salons can endanger your health, fewer people make the connection to the danger of sunbeds vis-a-vis the planet.
According to the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, sunbeds give out harmful UV rays which damage the DNA in our skin cells. Using a sunbed once a month or more can increase your risk of skin cancer by more than half. So when the tan fades, the damage remains. Sunbeds also cause premature skin ageing, which means that your skin becomes coarse, leathery and wrinkled at a younger age.
But that is not where it ends. Sunbeds also contain tanning lamps that sap up huge amounts of energy and hold much more toxic mercury than a normal fluorescent tube. Now imagine what that means when it comes to disposal!
So if you are interested in prolonging your health as well as that of the planet, ditch your tanning salon in favor of some natural sunlight. It’s a great way to get that tan and build your natural Vitamin D intake at the same time.