Keep Your Kids Healthy
As health technology advances, parents continue to look for the latest medical breakthroughs to keep their children healthy. But when it comes to child health, the simplest age-old tips have consistently had the greatest impact.
Here are a few simple tips on keeping your children healthy.
1. Have children spend time outside
Vitamin D is slowly becoming recognized as one of the most essential vitamins necessary for growth. It aids the absorption of calcium making it necessary for the development of strong and healthy bones. It also heals wounds and boosts the immune system. Although Vitamin D is now added to several foods, the bet way to absorb this critical component of health is from the sun. So, for a daily dosage of Vitamin D, send your children out to play.
2. Encourage them to stay in shape
Obesity, a problem once synonymous with the youth of America, is slowly becoming a wider phenomenon. Obesity is becoming one of the biggest threats for children all over the world….even in countries like India and China where people have been slender for generations. Much of this can be attributed to the growth of a “junk food” culture and general lack of exercise. As children become more active on the internet, they also become less active on the playground or on the playing fields. So, developing a physical exercise routine is more critical for kids today than ever before.
3. Give them their daily dosage of zzz’s
Children grow during their sleep hours. So, although they might find it exciting to stay awake late into the evening with mom and dad, it is important that they get those critical zzz’s to keep their cells multiplying. Sleep also does wonders for the immune system. A recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that getting adequate and quality sleep can reduce your risk of catching the common cold and other infections.