Alternative Energy

Published on July 7th, 2009 | by Guest Contributor


KiosKiosk: A Solar-Powered, Rent-Free Pop-Up Shop

As the economy continues to tumble, it is becoming increasingly difficult for retailers of creative items like clothes and jewelry to find customers. That’s why designer Wayne Hemingway and London mayor Boris Johnson have built the KiosKiosk, a temporary, rent-free pop-up retail space in central London designed for creative entrepreneurs. The solar-powered kiosk offers free electricity for lights, a laptop computer, and a sewing machine.

The KiosKiosk, which launched July 2 and is scheduled to stay open for two months, will rotate tenants every day. Upcoming inhabitants include Cut-Out T-Shirts and Jewels, Kiss My Cherry, the Grateful Thread, and Claire Montgomerie Knitwares. You probably haven’t heard of any of these brands, but that’s the point–the KiosKiosk is meant to give anyone with talent their chance in the spotlight.

The pop-up store is part of the Design Museum’s Super Contemporary Exhibition, which focuses on London’s status as a leader in design and creativity. If London really wants to lead the charge, though, it should extend the KiosKiosk idea to other cities around the world that have pushed out up-and-coming businesses with exorbitant rental costs.

[KiosKiosk via JambleMag]

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