Health and Fitness

Published on June 15th, 2009 | by Guest Contributor


Stress: The Enemy of Weight Loss and Your Waistline

The recession can can weigh heavily not just on your mind or your bank, but also on your waistline. It is a well known fact that people have a tendency to gain wait during periods of increased stress.

photo credit D Sharon PruittStress impacts your waistline

Stress impacts your waistline

Stress and tension cause your body’s levels of adrenaline and cortisol to rise.  This triggers a release of stored sugar and fat into your bloodstream for an energy surge, says the Australian physician, Karen Wolfe in her book Create the Body Your Soul Desires. Once the stress has passed however, cortisol stimulates cravings for carbohydrates and fats to replenish depleted calorie stores to prepare for the next stressful situation.

Continuous stress is responsible for keeping this cortisol appetite response elevated over longer periods of time. This leads to an excessive intake of fat and sugar which ultimately leads to weight gain. Fat tends to be stored around the mid section because from there it can be more quickly converted to fuel by the liver.

So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, try to slow down and take some deep breaths.  Go for a walk, or get some exercise.  Do whatever it takes to ease the tension. Now understandably, this is easier said than done but remember, you will be helping your mind as well as your waistline.

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