Two Eco Movie Options for Greenies
For greenies who love watching movies, we have two eco movie options that are bound to keep you busy during the first few weeks of summer.
A new independent film called FRESH has been making waves recently. It features “farmers, thinkers, and business people” in the U.S. who are making positive changes in our industrialized food system.
Many Americans are becoming increasingly disconcerted with industrial food practices which they believe cause more harm than good. This is the basis of the research that has gone into developing FRESH, some of whose main characters include urban and sustainable farmers and supermarket owners.
Check out the trailer at the FRESH website:
The producers are looking to host screenings in each state. If you want to host a screening in your home town, you can fill out a request here.
2. BBC Earth Channel on You Tube
BBC Earth, BBC Worldwide’s new global brand for all the BBC’s natural history content, has launched a dedicated channel on YouTube which showcases the BBC’s greatest nature shows.
The BBC Earth channel will debut with clips from Life of Mammals, Turtles Guide to the Pacific and Cheetahs- Fast Track to Freedom. It also promotes and supports, a website where U.S. audiences can explore the best from the BBC’s Natural History Team including the latest news, videos, photos, blogs and facts.