Suggestions for Going Green When on Vacation
Even if you can’t choose a green hostel or resort on this trip, there are still things that you can do to make sure that your trip has a minimal impact on the environment:
First of all, pack light. The more weight you carry, the higher the energy usage to transport it. Do you really need everything you and your family have packed? Leave it at home if the answer is no.
Secondly, if you must rent a car, check into renting a hybrid vehicle—many rental agencies now have Priuses available as rental cars. You should also drive below the speed limit to conserve fuel.
Many hotels have a program that allows you to save energy by not washing your linens and towels every day. Do you really need them to be cleaned every day? In most cases, the answer is no.
Just like at home, make sure you turn off lights and air conditioners when you leave your hotel room.
Use public transportation whenever possible, and never forget that the best way to truly see a city is usually on foot.