Recycled Oil is Important for Green Living
If you’re invested in green living, one of the first things to focus on is your car. If you change your own car oil, make sure to recycle it properly. While that used oil looks downright gross, recycled oil is a very valuable resource that keeps just that much more new oil from being needed.
Follow these simple steps for an eco-friendly way to recycle your own automotive oil—it’s as easy as 1–2–3!
- Drain the oil into an oil pan, being careful not to spill it on the ground—spilled oil can soak into the earth and seep into our water supply. Most used oil has harmful additives in it that are toxic to people and planet.
- Pour the drained oil into a spill-proof container. Seal it securely and never add other car fluids to the container.
- Take the used oil to your recycling center and pour it carefully into the designated oil recycling bin.