New UK Magazine Challenges Travelers to Go Green
Are you a confirmed green living advocate? What about your vacations? Jamble Magazine is challenging all who care about the earth to make their next vacation one firmly rooted in environmentally friendly ideals. Jamble challenges the idea that taking a green vacation means staying in a hut in the middle of nowhere, and instead, encourages city travelers to take public transportation or visit cities on foot or bicycle.
Jamble, found at , is a periodical dedicated to saving the earth through raising awareness of what can be done to minimize our impact on the environment.
Unlike many green sites which only feature the megabuck green resorts for the well-heeled, Jamble has a section devoted to green hostels which cater to those who want to see the world on a budget. Included is the Omagh Hostel in Ireland, which uses green electricity and biomass boilers, and allows guests to work on their organic farm in exchange for food and board. A private room runs about 30 pounds and it offers Internet access. Another great hostel is the Lova Lava Land Eco-Resort in Hawaii, where guests use composting toilets and stay in yurts or converted VW campers. Accomodations include Garth the Gecko Bus and Hilary the Hula Bus.
Also included in this great periodical are green city guides and backpacking tips.