Herbal Acne Remedies
The teenage years are tough times, especially for teens with acne. Traditional acne treatment methods include taking Tetracycline, which can be very harsh on the stomach.
Teens who are committed to green living, or have parents committed to green living, have another option—herbal acne remedies. One such remedy is to take a cucumber and liquefy it in the blender, then apply it to the acne. The cucumber will work to clarify skin and remove excess oils. You can also to use the natural disinfectant oil of oregano, which is dabbed on the skin to kill bacteria. Tea tree oil has also been found to be just as effective with only 5 percent benzyl peroxide, and is found at your local health food or vitamin store.
Still, other acne treatments focus on internal causes. One cause is said to be poor digestion—so drinking carrot juice or cucumber juice should help by purifying the entire system and improving overall digestion and well being.