Container Depth for Growing Herbs Indoors
Growing herbs indoors in pots is a wonderful way to continue the fresh flavors and nutritional benefits of fresh food into winter. If these plants are being grown on a patio or balcony, there are some things to consider before beginning our container herb garden.
- How much sun do you have and at what times during the day?
- Do you have reflective light?
- How warm will this area become during the hottest part of the day, warmest days of the year?
- From where do winds come and how strong are they?
- How much space do you have, indoors and out?
After you have the answers to these questions, you will be able to begin planning your container garden. Once you have a list of the herbs you want to grow, you need to consider how much space inside the container is necessary for a healthy plant to have enough room for its roots.
Another consideration is the type of container. Clay pots may be more natural, yet they dry out quicker than non-porous options. Whether on a budget or wishing to create a specific “look,” thrift stores such as Goodwill, Salvation Army or other places give you opportunity where you can bring new life to discarded items. What is another use for a collander? A shoe or boots that are past their usual useable life? Some “find” you don’t know how to use, yet really love?
Before deciding on what to grow in your container, do a little measuring, then match up with what you would like to grow:
Here’s a guide to the depth of Container (in inches) needed for most herbs:
Basil 8 | Borage 8 | Coriander 8 | Chervil 8 |
Chives 6 | Cilantro 8 | Dill 10-12 | Fennel 10 |
Ginger 6-8 | Lavender 8 | Lemon Balm 8 | Lemon Grass 10 |
Lovage 10 | Marjoram 6 | Mint 6-8 | Oregano 8 |
Parsley 8 | Rosemary 8 | Sage 8 | Savory 6 |
All of the above plants need full-sun to partial shade. If you live in a city, you may have reflective light that should not be discounted! Also, be aware that certain plants may also get too much strong light in the summer on the south facing building. Winds should also be considered for the evaporative loss of moisture, especially for more sensitive and taller plants. And if you harvest herbs all at once, here are some tips to keeping your herbs fresh for storage.