May 16th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle
The popularity of documentaries like Food, Inc. have helped bring food safety to the forefront and many are looking to decrease their exposure to illnesses and long term diseases. While diets consisting of meat are the most common in the U.S. outbreaks of illnesses, however small, are causing pause in thinking about what is healthy. Let's take another look at Mad Cow Disease, E-Coli and other health hazards associated with beef and what changes can be made for increasing health and wellness
September 23rd, 2011 | by Karen Lee
Eating bugs can be better for the environment than eating meats. See this infographics and find out what eating bugs can do for the environment.
April 2nd, 2010 | by Zachary Shahan
As a vegetarian who believes that living a vegetarian life is more of a moral or spiritual issue than anything [&hellip
December 2nd, 2009 | by Guest Contributor
Governments around the world are issuing varying calls related to sustainability, but most of them focus on political and financial [&hellip
October 6th, 2009 | by Derek Markham
The world’s largest exporter of meat products announced that it has pledged to no longer purchase cattle raised in deforested [&hellip
June 19th, 2009 | by Jennifer Lance
Sir Paul McCartney and his late wife Linda have long been famous vegetarians, including writing several vegetarian cookbooks. Now the [&hellip