April 28th, 2019 | by Sponsored Content
Eco-friendly decorating for your home has never been easier. More and more brands are jumping on the trend of releasing alternative green products. But doing your bit for the planet when decorating, doesn’t just come down to the types of products you buy.
August 20th, 2011 | by Guest Contributor
What is sustainable furniture? Its a concept that we often overlook when greening our lives. Here is an easy explanation as to why and how you can furnish your home sustainably.
January 24th, 2008 | by Guest Contributor
Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas’ Editor-In-Chief, talks about Ecofriendly Furniture with John Byfield, Owner of Zola Furnishings. Click Play Below,or
November 18th, 2007 | by Guest Contributor
Sean Daily, Green Living Ideas’ Editor-In-Chief, discusses the topic of sustainable woods and how to choose eco-friendly furniture with David [&hellip