Browsing the "Health and Fitness" Category

Mad Cow, E-Coli and Other Health Hazards Associated with Beef

May 16th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

The popularity of documentaries like Food, Inc. have helped bring food safety to the forefront and many are looking to decrease their exposure to illnesses and long term diseases. While diets consisting of meat are the most common in the U.S. outbreaks of illnesses, however small, are causing pause in thinking about what is healthy. Let's take another look at Mad Cow Disease, E-Coli and other health hazards associated with beef and what changes can be made for increasing health and wellness

Global Health and Innovation Conference by Unite for Sight

May 1st, 2012 | by Karen Lee

Unite for Sight is a 501(c)(3) non-profit global health delivery organization that eliminates preventable blindness and it sponsors world's leading global health and social entrepreneurship conference that attracts over 2000 participants from all over the world every year. The goal of this conference is to exchange ideas and best practices across disciplines in order to improve public health and international development on various aspects, including community development, environmental health, social entrepreneurship, refugee health, maternal and child health

Vegan Wannabe: Kicking the Cheese Habit

April 30th, 2012 | by The Green Divas

Over the years, I’ve wandered in and out of various states of vegan and vegetarian and even had a few years as an omnivore (but only ate very carefully chosen responsibly raised meats). My downfall has always been cheese. Do they have a 12-step program for cheese – just cheese? I need it

Do You Suffer from Computer Vision Syndrome?

April 20th, 2012 | by Sonya Kanelstrand

The more technology advances, the more time we spend gazing 20 inches or so from a computer screen. But we were not made to live a sedentary life, even less so, to limit our eye-sight to objects in close distance for indefinitely long periods of time. On average, we spend more than 6 hours a day in front of a computer screen which can lead to a condition called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). Here are symptoms to look for and information for lessening the effects of

How Exercise Helps the Environment

April 9th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Exercise is a foundation helping pave the way to great environmental change. It starts small and quietly, but quickly, builds into monumental differences in our lives. While walking, jogging and and cycling are wonderful for heart health and overall fitness, they also have a lasting impact on green living. Here are a few ways exercise helps the Environment

Waterflossers Have it Over Traditional Floss

April 5th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

I recently began researching water flossers, though, and it's been quite enlightening for an eco gal. When you think of the amount of floss and containers that find their way into landfills, it's no surprise that the water flosser seems to bare its eco-banner pretty loudly. I've found water flossers have it all over traditional dental floss

Make Your Own Milk, No Cow Needed

March 15th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Ads attacking alternative milks are downright hilarious but tinged with sadness as well. One mocks alternative milk that require shaking. Farm fresh milk requires shaking to ensure the fats get mixed back into the milk but we've become so distant from farm fresh that many don't know that. What we are really seeing here is fear. More people are forgoing cow's milk because of health concerns and the dairy industry is feeling it. While milk alternatives like soy, coconut and almond milk can be a little more expensive they're totally worth the expense. But what if you could make your own right in the kitchen? Well, you can and it's a simple process. Leave Bessie grazing in the field and make your own milk

The Case for Using a Bidet

March 8th, 2012 | by Vivian Nelson Melle

Back in 2007 blogger Josh Madison tracked his toilet paper usage and representative of just one person, Josh reportedly used 2.8 miles of toilet paper. That's 49 rolls annually. What if there was a way to cut toilet paper usage and what if that method was already used in most parts of the world outside the United States? Enter the bidet and the method for Americans to reduce their use of toilet paper

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