Browsing the "Green Lifestyle" Category

Energy Efficient Living

November 27th, 2013 | by Guest Contributor

Living a green lifestyle is no longer the province of the young and revolutionary! As the cost of energy continues [&hellip

Vegan Holidays, Save the Giblets & Eco-Friendly Gifts for Guys

November 18th, 2013 | by The Green Divas

FIRST, let me say that we here at the Green Divas strive to promote a healthy, low-stress holiday season that involves buying less, making more (DIY), and buying local. But when you do buy a gift, please try to make sure it is sustainably-made, thoughtful and of course that it promotes a healthier, greener lifestyle!

America Recycles Day!

November 15th, 2013 | by Guest Contributor

Ready to think outside of the (recyclable) box? Today is “America Recycles Day” and to honor this, Recyclebank, the company [&hellip

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